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Phil Stooke
Hi. I think you mean this one.


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Thank you very much Phil for this map which will be very useful to me indeed. The roads are very clear and well demarcated (Thank you!). I am also looking for the following map whose path is located between Sols 335 and 352 to disentangle the distances which are poorly defined on the NASA rover tracking maps (Sols 340-341). And did the rover really travel 314.13 meters on Sol 351?


Merci beaucoup Phil pour cette carte qui va me être très utile effectivement. Les route sont très claire et bien départagée (Merci !). Je cherche également la carte suivante dont le trajet est situé entre les Sols 335 et 352 pour démêler les distances qui sont mal défini sur les cartes du suivit du rover de la Nasa (les Sols 340-341). Et le rover a-t-il vraiment parcourus 314,13 mètre au Sol 351 ?
I finally realized my mistake. These are different long-term stops for geological target studies carried out during the same daily rolling session (movement on the same ground). A major difference between Curiosity and Perseverance. I don't remember if Curiosity did that during its mission?

With Perseverance, things are going big! unsure.gif


J'ai finalement compris mon erreur. Il s'agit de différents arrêts de longue durée pour étude de cible géologique effectués lors d'une même séance de roulement quotidien (déplacement sur un même Sol). Une différence majeur entre Curiosity et Perseverance. Je me souvient pas si Curiosity avait fait ça durant sa mission ?

Avec Perseverance, ça roule en grand ! unsure.gif
I don't know if any of you know the diameter of these three craters located north of the Perseverance landing site: "La Orotava", "Hahoots'aa", "Port Angeles".

I am also looking for the list of Sols for each kilometers covered. (
1 km = Sol 130 (02-07-2021), 2 km = Sol 177 (19-08-2021), 3 km = ?, etc...)

Thank you all, and congratulations for your work!


Je ne sais pas si l'un d'entres vous connais le diamêtre de ces trois cratères situé au nord du site d'atterrissage de Perseverance : « La Orotava », « Hahoots’aa », « Port Angeles ».

Je cherches également la liste des Sols pour chaques kilomètres franchis. (
1 km = Sol 130 (02-07-2021), 2 km = Sol 177 (19-08-2021), 3 km = ?, etc...)

Merci a vous tous, et bravo pour votre travail !
The areas from where Perseverances Mastcam-Z and SuperCam can see Ingenuity are drawn with saturated colors.
The arrow shows the line of sight on sol 1138 and 1139 (see this post #819) .
The green lines are possible traverses as planned in September 2022.

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QUOTE (Glevesque @ May 3 2024, 04:58 PM) *
I don't know if any of you know the diameter of these three craters located north of the Perseverance landing site: "La Orotava", "Hahoots'aa", "Port Angeles. . . . "

Diameters of craters measured on the crater rim (rough estimates, because they are not perfect circles):
La Orotava 330 m
Port Angeles 180 m
Hahóóts'aa 320 m

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Thanks tau
QUOTE (Glevesque @ May 3 2024, 04:58 PM) *
. . . I am also looking for the list of Sols for each kilometers covered. (1 km = Sol 130 (02-07-2021), 2 km = Sol 177 (19-08-2021), 3 km = ?, etc...) . . .

Here is my attempt to create a map of kilometer marks and the sols when the rover reached them.
For calculation I used the json file under "Rover Drive Path" in the Perseverance's location map.
The first complication I encountered was that the individual drives are not in chronological order. The rover seemed to be jumping around.
After re-arranging them in chronolocical order, a continuous polyline was created for calculation of the kilometer marks.
As cartographical projection (which has influence on the calculated lengths) I applied an equidistant cylindrical projection
with standard parallel at 18.4663°N (the center of the planned landing ellipse) on a spherical Mars with a radius of 3396190 m,
which is most likely the projection used in the json files and JPL's location map.
Then I tried to find out the UTC date and time on Earth when the kilometer marks were reached by the rover.
There are two entries in the json drive path file for every drive: SCLK_START and SCLK_END (SCLK= spacecraft clock).
They are counted in seconds which can be correlated to UTC. But the time between start and end of an individual drive is in some
cases more than one Earth day, on sol 340 even more than five days which obviously is not real. Maybe, it is possible to narrow down
the time interval of the drive with the help of the raw images, where the large number following the sol number in the file name is
the SCLK time when the image was taken. If I'm not wrong, the clock seems to be a little bit slow, about 0.7 seconds behind per day.

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QUOTE (tau @ May 8 2024, 09:06 AM) *
...the clock seems to be a little bit slow, about 0.7 seconds behind per day.

According to the clock has been a little fast relative to UTC over most of the mission (if I have the sense of the correction right).

It would be tough to figure out exactly which images correspond most closely to the end of a drive.

I'm not sure why the JSON file has the problems you describe. If I were going to do this, I would look at which contains 52 site coordinates, but I've always been a little unsure how sites correlate to drives. I think short drives don't change the site?
A big thank you tau. I will adjust my narrative in volume 2 to include the mileage (km) traveled by Perseverance.

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