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Perseverance Rover 360° Panorama from sols 57-64 in 4k with music by Chris Zabriskie

Made with 474 MastcamZL images from sols 57, 59, 62, 63 & 64
Source was denoised, repaired, stitched, graded and rescaled for this film.

Click to watch on Youtube...
Phil Stooke
That is amazing - thanks for showing it here. It was great the first time through, and then to see it again even more detailed was mindblowing. I had not noticed earlier the crater rim in front of the mountain on the SE rim of Jezero - that must be the crater now called Dacono.

Phil Stooke
Sol 102, a 48 m drive, the longest of the mission so far, and it ends close to the helicopter landing site at the end of the 5th flight, Airfield B. Maybe they will look for signs of the landing or takeoff.

Also the JPL route map now lets you toggle on and off (default is off) the helicopter flight path.

Phil Stooke
A circular view of the sol 102 location.


Click to view attachment
Pardon me Sean, but I have a question for you. I hesitated a long time before asking you that but : what is the interest in converting a flat, panoramic picture, into a video ? I mean, we can't scroll at will the picture, we can't zoom it how we want it. I would prefer to have a "zoomify" picture, where I can zoom in/zoom out, pan left/right/down/bottom. But I don't think this is the point, and I fail to see why.
Ken Farley, Project Scientist on Percy put it into better words than I could here

This was the experience I wanted to convey when I was constructing the mosaic from Sol 00004... seeing so much detail was overwhelming, so I decided to create a passive 'vehicle' for this landscape which was in line with some of my other work.

Creating an unbroken & consistent 'motion tapestry' with a suitable soundtrack can deliver a highly immersive and tangible experience, especially in the comfort of your home on a large 4k television which are becoming more and more affordable. ( the tv's not the homes )

Elevating these images to works of art, putting them on a pedestal in an environment condusive to immersion is an alternative to navigating a webpage with a mouse or swiping around on a tablet and is my preferred way to consume & experience them.
I really appreciate both the exploratory and artistic approaches to presenting the data- both are beautiful and inspiring, in different ways. Damia and Sean and everyone else, keep 'em coming!

That is amazing - thanks for showing it here. It was great the first time through, and then to see it again even more detailed was mindblowing. I had not noticed earlier the crater rim in front of the mountain on the SE rim of Jezero - that must be the crater now called Dacono.


I really appreciate both the exploratory and artistic approaches to presenting the data- both are beautiful and inspiring, in different ways. Damia and Sean and everyone else, keep 'em coming!


Thank you both! I'll be making a film for each significant panorama that allows for it and remaking them when they reach the PDS.

Thanks Sean for that explanation smile.gif

large 4k television which are becoming more and more affordable

Affordable ? Yeah. We definitely don't live in the same world.
OK then... large HD TV's.... the gain from 4k is dependant on the size of screen and viewing distance.

If one cares about & appreciates the media they consume then a modest investment can deliver a significant experience, especially from material like this.

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