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When she can communicate, she will.
Does anyone have any good images of Spirit's underside ie: bottom of the WEB.
I'm looking for an image that shows what might have made what appears to be an impression in the soil near what again I'm assuming is 'Pointy Rock'.
Click to view attachment
Any help? Thoughts?
Normally anthropomorphizing spacecraft leaves me cold, but check out
Aww q_q
I'm not going to lie, that made me tear up a bit.
QUOTE (Hungry4info @ Jan 29 2010, 04:47 PM) *
I'm not going to lie, that made me tear up a bit.

Seconded. I have to admit I anthropomorphize our little buddy on Mars.
Only Stu could have done this.
This is it.
Great article, Stu. Not at all a requiem, but a celebration of change for Spirit...with many doors still open.
XKCD Poor Spirit
" did i do a good job ?"

"do i get to come home ?"

tongue.gif tongue.gif
Well, it seems that Spirit may have come to the end of her travels (at least for now).
As she settles in for winter and commences her 'first stationary science campaign',
Stu and I have collaborated on a poster and poem to mark this new chapter (not the last) in Spirit's journey on Mars.
Click to view attachment

UPDATE: Full size poster 5.06mb on my blog.
I did enjoy this one A LOT.

In many many sols from now,
Spirit will still be there talking to us,
Weels tracks nowhere to be seen,
No clue where she did come from.
Greg Hullender
I'm usually very critical of anthromophizing machines or animals, but I have to admit that somehow today's XKCD touched me deeply too. I think it's "did I do a good job?" that did it to me . . .

QUOTE (djellison @ Jan 28 2010, 05:24 PM) *
When she can communicate, she will.

At the audio briefing, it was said that the low-power fault mode might be modified so that Spirit will only communicate when hailed, to save additional power. In that case, we will have no way of knowing whether Spirit is still alive until the Spring. So if some very low-power way could be found of indicating whether Spirit is still alive, that might be useful.
Would it be lower power to move the camera or antenna mast than to transmit? Perhaps MRO could monitor the shape and position of their shadow on the surface (I assume it would be too hard to see the actual mast). Have it vary between t and l each day or week, as a heartbeat. I know we could see the mast shadow from Opportunity at Victoria, but I'm not sure how definitive it would be pointed each way to maximize/minimize each shadow. Although, as an engineer, it would be a bit risky to have it moving back and forth without feedback on its status. ph34r.gif Maybe they could use the positions of the hardware as a "poor man's" memory between low power fault reboots. ph34r.gif
Well, I return from a micro holiday (Australia Day), floating for hours down the Murray River on a lilo, and the "stationary science platform" media release awaits me.
Ah well, I suppose all good things must come to an end.

I find it ironic that this decision occurs - after start of an (seemingly) amazing recovery discovered by finding the reverse gear! These sentiments are echoed elsewhere on this topic. There are hints however, that next year, they may try to move it again - fingers crossed - especially if over the next few weeks of "position[ing] itself to combat the severe Martian winter..." it should pop up and out of it's current sand trap and over onto firmer terrain.

I note the ideas about positioning the arm/camera to be a visible indication of 'alive status' to the HiRise camera.
Wouldn't a heartbeat 'beep' use less power and be a more reliable status indicator?

Q1) Was there any official word or hypothesis on the (temporarily) resurrected wheel that was in action briefly only a week or so ago? Reasoning for it rejuvenation / demise?

Q2) Is there a site where the rover power levels/telemetry is visible?
(I recall seeing sites where live system data was available for a satellite (I think) voltage levels / telemetry etc.... like this):

QUOTE (dshaffer @ Jan 26 2010, 02:02 PM) *
thanks to all for the text updates - hope someone can make an mp3 available later?

I also couldn't listen live, but would like to catch up now. I've read the whole thread from the teleconference up to here. Does anyone have a pointer to an mp3 of the news conference?

I saw the mentions of the iPlayer feed, but as I understand it that was just a related interview.

Edit: downloading now, thanks dshaffer!
Miles O' Brien has a short interview with Steve Squyres re/ Spirit on This Week In Space. The segment starts at around 01:30.
QUOTE (ChrisC @ Jan 29 2010, 10:33 PM) *
I also couldn't listen live, but would like to catch up now. I've read the whole thread from the teleconference up to here. Does anyone have a pointer to an mp3 of the news conference?

I saw the mentions of the iPlayer feed, but as I understand it that was just a related interview.

Last evening I stumbled across the mp3 here (top of the page):

@marsroverdriver pointed to a less depressing rewrite of the XKCD comic.
Click to view attachment
Like that one *much* better.
Pointy rock on left?

edit, oops that's to far to the left, never mind.
Looks like a good drive from a tilt perspective. smile.gif
Indeed, it does look like a big improvement in tilt. Based on how far the horizon rose/dropped in the front/rear hazcams, I estimate an improvement in tilt of about 2.5 degrees towards the north on sol 2161 compared with sol 2158. The LR wheel has risen up quite a bit again.

She made less distance on 2161 than on previous backwards drives. I suspect the problem might be the RF wheel being stopped by the rock immediately to its rear (south). That rock is not very big, but itself might be caught by other rocks invisible under the belly. I wonder if wiggling (steering left and right) the RF wheel might nudge the rock it's against to one side.
Fredk, should that lead to a boost of 12-15W powerwise?

Yes, according to the figure of 5-6Whrs per degree of tilt that Callas gave at the briefing. But the big question is did the tilt improve by 2.5 degrees. The hazcams produce a lot of distortion so I could be a fair bit off.
Last couple of drives or so. The change in drive strategy is readily apparent.

At first glance what strikes/surprises me is how the RF wheel appears to have started to dig in. I hope others can tell me if this is deliberate (If so, how?) or a reflection of possible change in the surface underneath the wheel?

I take it, based on earlier comments from Fredk and others, this is good news re tilt.

The RF wheel is moving into soil that was broken up by the RM in its initial pass, could be a good place to dig the wheel in if that's the plan.
QUOTE (Hungry4info @ Feb 1 2010, 12:43 AM) *
The change in drive strategy is readily apparent.

The plan as they discussed at the briefing was to continue with backwards drives, and as far as I know no change in strategy has happened yet. They said they may try to wiggle the RF to dig it in, but there's no sign from the images that they've tried that yet. We'll just have to wait and see as always...
To help me (and I would hope others) gain a better understanding of Spirit's current predicament is anyone able to give us Spirit's current tilt angle and her predicted power production over the winter months? I think a summary of what the different power levels would signify could be very informative. For instance, (and I'm making these numbers up, below 180W means end of scientific measurements, below 160W means loss of daily contact etc)

(Not sure if this is in correct thread or wants to be in winter @ Troy)

Here are what I think are the highlights from the latest planetary society report on the question of extrication. Arvidson supports Stroupe's comments about further driving in the spring - even before the stationary science campaign, if I interpret this correctly:
"I don't think we'll ever get to Goddard and von Braun now, but we can possibly make it to other targets tens of meters away,” Arvidson said... "We have to hunker down for the winter, so we are a lander starting in a couple of weeks at least for the next six months, and then we will reevaluate the extent to which we can get out in the ensuing spring" said Arvidson. “If we can't, there's still good science to do – with the radio science, the monitoring of the weather, and also new places to study to characterize the sulfates.”

And from Squyres:
“We are going to continue to do everything we possibly can with this rover once winter's over and we'll see what we get. If the rover popped out and scooted across the countryside, so be it, [that] would be great. But nobody's expecting that to happen. What we're expecting is small motion, and if that's all we get, we can do a lot of good science for a long time."

And this about the tilt:
"Before we started driving backwards, we were roughly at 4 degrees southerly tilt. Now, we're roughly in about 10 degrees southerly tilt," Matijevic informed last Friday. But this was expected and should be temporary... "The strategy we have for Spirit getting the tilt better [takes us] through a couple of days of it getting worse before a turn around," Stroupe explained.

(I'm assuming we'll keep using this thread for extrication-related posts until all driving has stopped for the winter...)
Pics are down! It looks like another drive attempt backwards on 2165. Some distance and tilt improvement by the looks of it. RF wheel has been steered - I wonder if they've started to try digging it in:
Edit: on second thought it looks more like a roll towards the west than a tilt to the north.
That's a good turnaround on the images - 4hrs
I see some dirt in the cleats of the RF wheel.
Click to view attachment

Checking previous images there was some motion on sol 2161

Click to view attachment

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I can't tell if the motion continued on sol 2165.
By the look of it, they not only did some steering on the RF wheel, there's actually been some wheel rotation as well.
Click to view attachment
Animation Sols2158, 2161, 2165
Fran Ontanaya
The bottom of that rock is quite rough compared with the eroded top.
Good catch, Alan! I can't wait till we get the next update...
Now, I've got good feelings about a real possibility of extricating Spirit from this sand trap next spring... and rove a little smile.gif
And I'm also still dreaming of reaching Von Braun. We need good dreams ! rolleyes.gif
The last update suggested this could well be the last drive of the season - so this may well be it. A little bit of scuffing and spinning might be on the cards yet though.
Perhaps I'm not reading correctly (not native english) but I think they are telling that the last drive is / will be the next one, attempting to lift one side of the rover.
On Sol 2165 (Feb. 4, 2010), another drive was sequenced. This drive achieved less progress and had only a modest improvement in tilt. The next drive plan is to cause the rover suspension to lift one side of the rover, improving northerly tilt. This is likely to be the last rover motion before winter, as energy levels are dropping below levels able to sustain driving.
Use the suspension? Are these rovers lowriders? smile.gif
Please make that tilt before then...
The silence will be deafening...

I agree, Tesheiner, that there will be one more drive attempt before winter. I guess they'll just be driving certain wheels in order to get the suspension to do what they want. On the positive side, there was a slight increase in power to 188 Whrs, due entirely to clearing skies (lower tau) rather than array cleaning.
Cleat Cam video up on JPL site. I hope they release a new version when the missing images from sols 2150 and 2152 come down; the break is kind of obvious.
Pics are down from the 2169 drive attempt (the last?). It looks like there wasn't much movement (not much was expected - this drive was supposed to improve tilt), but also it doesn't look like there was much tilt change:
The movement between Sols 2165 and 2169 are indeed very small.
I wonder if this is what they were expecting or if the drive ended early.

Take a look at these animations.
Click to view attachmentClick to view attachment
Very minor tilt in the FHaz image. Larger movement by the rear wheels in the RHaz.
Interestingly, one wheel up and the other down, due to motion of RM wheel (?).

Click to view attachmentClick to view attachment
Looks like no motion/rotation of the LM wheel except that caused by the motion/rotation of the RM wheel.

I wonder if there will be any more drives attempted or if this was indeed the last for a while.
It may not be able to go down any farther. It may have bottomed out already.
James Sorenson
I have made a hazcam video of Spirit's journey down the north side of Homeplate last winter, getting stuck in Troy, and attempted extrication to Sol 2169. Ohh!! and I have undistorted the images to smile.gif.

I'll try and upload a better quality video later, and for some reason youtube changed the aspect ratio mad.gif .
According to the latest update, Spirit's parked for the winter:
The last winter-preparatory movement of the rover was commanded on Sol 2169 (Feb. 8, 2010). The rover was commanded to flatten the suspension system on the right side and accentuate the suspension wheelie on the left side, all to enhance northerly tilt. Very little change in tilt was achieved.

Good luck through the long cold winter, girl...

(I guess we're done with this thread...)
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