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QUOTE (ZLD @ Jul 17 2015, 04:29 PM) *
Could be a comet, could be dust.

It's dust. It only takes a few minutes to check the original plates - this is the corresponding region from the Jan 23rd plate:
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Familiar lesson here: always go back as far as you can to the original data! What's intended for public consumption is often not reliable for serious analysis.
Remarkably smart "social media" questions this time around!
I put a post on Alan Stern's facebook feed thanking him for continuing the raw image release policy. Please Like it to thank him for continuing to include us in this amazing journey!
MOD NOTE: Several posts hidden due to violations of several rules under section 2. Please review the Rules and Guidelines. Even old hands should do that every so often just to keep them fresh in their minds. wink.gif
SarcasticRover ‏@SarcasticRover 4 hours ago

BREAKING: Pluto is weird. Everything's all whatever.
Bill Harris
I'm waiting for an announcement of the Alan Stern Pluto Orbiter Mission...


First impressions....

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An update to my earlier artwork. smile.gif

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Desktop wallpaper 1920x1080
A fine gesture across the void, from a European orbiter to a US probe:
“Comet 67P and Rosetta are by now surrounded by a dense atmosphere of gas and dust. It’s like watching Pluto through a blizzard.”
just a fun post from being a bit bored
and there are NO!!! NEW !!! IMAGES !!!

using a wide angle Virtual lens on a Virtual camera
using Virtual land in a 3d render

-- 1920 x 1080 15 Degree rotation on Z

Gladstoner i like the earthmover it dose look a bit like a new subdivision going in
Hydra is giving me rubber ducky vibes. Could she be 67p's sister??
Ha-ha, I made the same observation on Twitter during the press conference when it was released.
Speaking of rubber foul:

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I'm not sayin'....

I'm just sayin'...
Dwarf planets compared....

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Gladstoner, that comparison is pure genius. biggrin.gif

This thread seems like the right place for something like this. Rendering of Pluto and Charon using the maps created by Bjorn Jonsson, with their relative positions and orientations tweaked for aesthetics:

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QUOTE (Gladstoner @ Jul 21 2015, 11:02 PM) *
Dwarf planets compared....

"Are you Ceres?" "Yes! Yahoo Ceres!" (Well, to me, entertainers Klaus and Yahoo do have sort of a similar vibe.)
Ian R
That's awesome, EC! ohmy.gif
QUOTE (Ian R @ Jul 22 2015, 08:16 AM) *
That's awesome, EC! ohmy.gif

I second that! It' s not actually "funny" it's pure Art. Thank you
Most welcome! Adjusted for content.

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Bill Harris
Very apropos, too.

If you have not seen this, its quite fun. Charon would surely have been a better analogue.
How to prepare Plutonian mountains....

1. Select a portion of water-ice crust:
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2. Slice and dice:
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3. Fill a basin with nitrogen and/or CO-ice slurry:
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4. Add crust to slurry:
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5. Stir occasionally:
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6. Strain crust:
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7. Let sit for a few million years. Serve cold.
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HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif
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Charles Foster Pluto.
QUOTE (Exploitcorporations @ Jul 24 2015, 10:25 PM) *


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QUOTE (Gladstoner @ Jul 25 2015, 02:54 AM) *

That's the best thing I've seen in here so far.
If (Brian) May is on Pluto, where is Avril (Lavigne)?

This one better work in french but well...
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Posted by Tyler Nordgren aka @NightSkyPark on Twitter.

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Alternative headline, if the Daily Mail was covering the story: "New Horizons' Alan Stern Wants To Spend $72 Billion To Shatter The Earth And Incinerate Humanity, For Exploration Purposes"

(paragraph 6)
And the award for Worst New Horizons News Coverage goes to...

New Horizons Spacecraft discovers Pluto’s largest moon, Charon

The largest moon of Pluto, until now, was spotted by NASA’s New Horizons Spacecraft. This represents a major legacy in the scientific world, and it will surely contribute for further investigations of the almost unknown planet.

The newly discovered moon was named Charon, and it is the largest moon from the satellites that surround Pluto. It is 751 miles wide and was spotted by New Horizons Spacecraft on July 14.

Moreover, with the discovery of Charon, many past theories about Pluto must be restudied. Bill MacKinnon, leader of the New Horizons, Geology, Geophysics and Imaging team at Washington University in St. Louis said that at Pluto’s negative 390º Fahrenheit ice flows like glaciers.

It looks from the writing style that the site is just one of those spam aggregators that just does whatever it can to attract search engine traffic, taking content from real websites and combining it. If it's any comfort, I doubt there's a single human reader of that headline other than us.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of people probably read it. I saw that headline earlier today when Google News recommended it to me. I even took a screenshot at the time because I collect terrible headlines+preview text from Google News and bizarre mismatches between headline and thumbnail, and this one had both.
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"Fun" fact: The really -inducing ones are the ones that seem to have been automatically transcribed using low-quality speech recognition.
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found Pluto in my travels to a much smaller space 30 years ago !

working for CSIRO I spied some microspherules on a ceramic under high pressure processing.

Ni, Ti precipitates on a 100um lead spherule

got to the front cover ! remarkable resemblance
A preview of the upcoming image release:

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Playing around with the latest New Horizons images to create this fanciful artwork. smile.gif

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A million suns shine down,
But the one here's pretty dim....


-the other Doug
A simulated artistic view of the Pluto-Charon System from the camera of a typical smartphone.
The field of view here is 57 degrees. The virtual camera is approximately 3600 km (2250 miles) from Pluto and 23200 km (14500 miles) from Charon.
Thanks to the texture maps found on the website of Steve Albers involving the work of Machi and Herobrine.
From a recent Pluto article
Like your ex, the heart is made of ice, but made of nitrogen and methane rather than water.
A question just popped into my mind - if you could smell and lick tholins on Pluto, what would they taste and smell like? blink.gif
Probably a lot like this:
Another reason to have multiple monitors:

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I hadn't quite realized how large that image is.
QUOTE (Gladstoner @ Dec 9 2015, 03:15 PM) *
Another reason to have multiple monitors:

Some have stated that we should have a 'like' or 'up-vote' button on this forum... My request is simpler... Can they add me a "Want Button" laugh.gif
QUOTE (wildespace @ Dec 6 2015, 06:55 AM) *
A question just popped into my mind - if you could smell and lick tholins on Pluto, what would they taste and smell like? blink.gif

I guarantee that you'd never get your tongue back after you licked Pluto.
QUOTE (wildespace @ Dec 6 2015, 01:55 PM) *
A question just popped into my mind - if you could smell and lick tholins on Pluto, what would they taste and smell like? blink.gif

I wouldn't risk it.

ADMIN NOTE: Minor language level warning and very distasteful videos that follow.

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