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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > Phoenix
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I noticed that too smile.gif It's especially funny because neither the subject nor the method of generating the images have anything whatsoever to do with each other.

Emily, thanks for posting/hosting them. I would have been happy to share them widely, but it might have melted smile.gif
While we are all waiting for the TEGA team to catch a long deserved break, I thought I would post some of the work I have been doing. I have been playing around with a non linear focus/sharpen program. It goes in to recover high frequency information.

I used the Phoenix landing shot (22hours post EDL). The first image shows the top half processed and the bottom half in the original state. The sharpener/focuser separates the color image into 3 images (RGB) and processes them in isolation. Then I reconvert them back to a single 24bit color RGB.

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I also zoom (3X) the lander. In the processed image you see that the shadow gap of the right hand solar collector has a better defined notch than in the original. I guess the next step would be to do identify real objects on the ground (from the SSI) to see if the resolution has been improved.

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here is the zoomed lander from the original image but using the same zoom program.
(now you can actually compare them!)

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I attempted to line up the HiRISE image with a vertically projected version of James Canvin's Peter Pan. I used the lander body as a reference, which was a bad idea, as the lander body is larger relative to the terrain than an orbital view would show since the camera has a perspective that cannot see terrain behind a solar panel or lander body. Still, some features are remarkably accurate. I attempted to match color and contrast as well. Anyone else who wants to try and make a better version can use the full vertical pan in the Peter Pan thread. Click to animate between the HiRISE and combined views. There are GIF posterization artifacts on the HiRISE view of the lander.

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