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Full Version: Researchers Find Evidence Of Distant Outer Planet
Unmanned > Beyond.... > Telescopic Observations
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QUOTE (stevesliva @ Mar 4 2019, 10:57 PM) *
Awhile ago I found this blog:

There are a number of recent updates from Konstantin Batygin.

Planet Nine is probably not a relative of Neptune — it’s a Super-Earth.

Interesting, our solar system seems to be missing a Super-Earth, guess that's where it got to.

Reposting this as a reminder. Yes, I know that it is VERY difficult to do given the popular press coverage...but please make the effort.

I'll let the original posters make their own edits.

QUOTE (nprev @ Aug 31 2016, 10:01 PM) *
MOD NOTE: Just a reminder that in accordance with rule 1.9 please do not refer to this postulated object during discussion as "Planet 9" due to the ongoing (and indefinite, and definitely prohibited here) debate about what and what is not a planet.

Fully understand that external articles and authors do so constantly, but the Forum is not going to participate in or enable (even indirectly) this highly emotional, too often acrimonious, and frankly unscientific debate. Thanks!
It is hard, but the term also strikes me as a bit deliberately contentious, so I understand. I see someone got to my other post, which is good.
Holder of the Two Leashes
It looks like a couple of astrophysicists at the University of Colorado Boulder are out to kill the giant outer planet hypothesis. And they may be succeeding.

Their computer simulations suggest that the KBOs whose orbits seemed to point that direction actually self assembled, along with the loss of a lot of mass.

LINK: Outer Solar System
New preprint on the (no luck) search so far:

There was also a bunch of discussion here that tailed off in 2021:
That was Brown. Also Batygin a few months later:
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