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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Jupiter > Juno
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B Bernatchez
Burn complete. Welcome to Jupiter. Congrats to the team. Now, turn the spacecraft and get power.
Yes! Heard you on the stream. Welcome indeed!
Burn ended, 1 sec off predictions.

"Welcome to Jupiter!"
There's a Juno doodle on Google right now. smile.gif

Congratulations to the mission team, and looking forward to the months to come!
Hooray! Bring on the mission phase (and Cassini Grand Finale) for an improved understanding of gas giant internal structure.
Tom Tamlyn
Sun pointing maneuver complete!!
Bjorn Jonsson
Great news!!! Now I can happily go to sleep again after waking up at an unusual time to check if JOI was successful.

Congratulations to the Juno team.
I had a 4 hours night, too.
Now I can return to work on JunoCam image processing, and be confident, that we'll go much beyond Earth flyby imaging.
Schrödinger's cat is alive. Thanks and congrats to the Juno design and engineering teams!
mcaplinger is a link to the full Juno approach movie as shown at the press conference.

I hope that a more stripped-down version if not the original frames will be available soon.
By the way, there should be a new documentary about Juno on the Science Channel tomorrow at 9 PM Eastern/8 PM Central (6 and 9 PM Pacific). If it didn't end up on the cutting room floor there should be some MSSS material in it.
Post JOI briefing on YouTube:
Finally home. What a night! I could do that again many times (the only more exciting time on console was watching Phoenix land on Mars). It was 5 years ago today I was in Cocoa Beach watching fireworks, prepping for Juno propellant load that week (seems like more than 5 years though). Not able to sleep yet but sitting back drinking a Belgium Tripel I bought in Brugge last year, watching my DVR of today's the Tour de France stage (I love to bike). Jupiter is so bright in the West sky at sunset right now, and now each night I and everyone on Juno can look up and know that we have something at that bright point of light. With Mars also bright to the South at sunset of makes a nice pair of spots in the sky. I worked Cassini many years ago (1st interplanetary mission) and cool to know I worked 2 of the 3 outer planet orbit insertions. How long the 7 year Cassini cruise seemed at launch and now it has been at Saturn for 12 years (I am starting to feel old).

Kudos to Mike Caplinger and all of MSS for that approach movie. It was much more awe inspiring that I had imagined. Really made me feel like we were looking out the (albeit spinning) port hole as we came into port Jupiter. The entire ops teams stopped to watch it when it was played in the press conference. Got to get to sleep now since we get playback data tomorrow. Go Juno!
Mr Valiant
Great to see Aussie news highlighting the Juno mission.
I guess a minor nitpick, they are saying, Juno has entered Jupiter's
orbit. Should be, has entered orbit around Jupiter. No prob, most
people you speak to are very impressed.
QUOTE (propguy @ Jul 5 2016, 03:37 AM) *
Kudos to Mike Caplinger and all of MSS for that approach movie. It was much more awe inspiring that I had imagined. Really made me feel like we were looking out the (albeit spinning) port hole as we came into port Jupiter. The entire ops teams stopped to watch it when it was played in the press conference. Got to get to sleep now since we get playback data tomorrow. Go Juno! (annotated)
MOD NOTE: Since we're now past JOI, please shift the discussion to the new Juno At Jupiter topic. Thanks! smile.gif
QUOTE (propguy @ Jul 5 2016, 12:37 AM) *
Kudos to Mike Caplinger and all of MSS for that approach movie.

Thank you. There hasn't been much discussion of how the movie was made. We took highly compressed RGB images once every 15 minutes for 17 days (every 30 minutes on day 1), from 12 June to 29 June, with a few multihour gaps. The decompressed and dark-subtracted images were processed through a pipeline I wrote in Python using the OpenCV toolkit, which finds the planet in each color band, subpixel registers the colors to each other, rotates the image to north up, attempts to mask out the planet and then stretches the background harder so that the moons are visible, and then composites everything together. (No spacecraft attitude telemetry was used because we weren't sure when the C kernels would be available.) Images where the planet was split across filter boundaries had to be fixed manually using a GUI I hacked together. Those frames were then handed off to my colleague Mike Ravine, who laboriously fixed all of the remaining stray light, noise pixels, color misregistration, etc by hand. Those were handed off to JPL for production.

Sorry about the lack of release of the raw data. That decision was made above the pay grade of anybody at MSSS.
No spacecraft attitude telemetry was used because we weren't sure when the C kernels would be available.

the only rotation kernels for july is the 2009 original "nominal"
and location kernel
I believe that C kernel production is on a weekly cadence; the most recent, was posted on 29 June and I expect the next set to come out tomorrow. This would have been too late for our processing, so it was the right call. Of course it's not clear that using C kernel information would have been better. Instead we just used OpenCV "blob detection".
Note that two flavors of our processed approach movie images are at -- I think what they're calling "level 1" is color-registered but unstretched, and what they're calling "level 2" is rotated, stretched and hand-processed to remove noise and other artifacts from the automatic processing.
This is awesome -- I'm processing new thumbnails from them right now.

I noticed that frames 1154-1493 from the "level 2" set appear to be offset to the left from all the other frames by 150 pixels.

EDIT: I have now added the "Level 1" and "Level 2" images to my approach movie index page, and have replaced Gerald's thumbnails with ones cropped from the Level 2 data.
QUOTE (elakdawalla @ Aug 9 2016, 04:28 PM) *
I noticed that frames 1154-1493 from the "level 2" set appear to be offset to the left from all the other frames by 150 pixels.

Yes, that seemed to creep in during the manual processing phase and would have to be fixed before someone made a movie just from those frames.
Brian Swift
Jupiter Approach Time-lapse | JunoCam | 360° VR, 8K

Here is a 360° time lapse made from the TDI=4 images at the start of the approach movie frames.

Initial scene has basic processing, just averaging 24 frames and stretching brightness 25x.

Second scene is more heavily enhanced to highlight detectable stars and moon motions.

Here is a full resolution frame:

Just Stacked Processing

More heavily processed

[Moderator note: Removed the Flickr images that got loaded here and left the links only. Reason: The images are very big and therefore it took a lot of time to load this thread and some browsers also don't handle this well]
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