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@peter59 -- image links broken with ... Same as earlier post.
please fix your links

copy/paste dose NOT work with url shortening

a slightly different angle
Enlarged version
The mid latitudes are really fascinating. We should go back and get a closer look.
Possible track projection:

Click to view attachment

Since the frames don't quite line up, it's hard to say exactly what areas will be covered.
QUOTE (t_oner @ Oct 23 2015, 03:32 PM) *
Enlarged version

This image confirms that the large crater (or "crater") seen in early images is indeed a topographic feature:

Click to view attachment

Click to view attachment
Interesting smudges along some of the fractures:

Click to view attachment

Same area in enhanced color:

Click to view attachment
one of the new images to come down "lor_0299176979"
the albedo is WAY to varied for sfs to really work , but there a few "tricks" that sort of kind of work if one dose not look to hard

a test


Very interesting.

Outgassing deposit from the fracture, or a lee deposit from wind?

And what are those fractures(?) normal to the main fracture?

QUOTE (antipode @ Oct 24 2015, 07:43 AM) *

Very interesting.

Outgassing deposit from the fracture, or a lee deposit from wind?

Or - loss of white covering due to local heating at the fractures?
For reference, a post by jccwrt mentioned the smudges as seen by MVIC:
Their sporadic occurrence makes me think outgassing/venting, though evaporation due to local heating would be even more interesting.

Of course, though, Pluto has shown us that features visible near the limits of resolution can be quite deceiving.
Some colors on the last Lorri images of Pluto, made from the high res Pluto color view with the Herobrine's pano :

Click to view attachment

Here's a full tweened morph of the latest stereo image release.

(click for full resolution HTML5 video - 0.5MB)
(link to full resolution GIF - 18MB)

If I get a chance, I'll post a colorized version of this. I've already played with it a bit and it does help differentiate the terrain better in some places.

I viewed both the anaglyph and the flicker animation for a long while before I went ahead with doing this morph. I went into it expecting little more to be revealed but I don't think either of the previously mentioned fully capture how intensely broken this landscape must be.

One area I find particularly interesting is in the upper right corner. It could just be me seeing things but It would almost seem as if at some point in the past, the darkest patches were some sort of liquid and the fractured terrain has lead to some sort of system of waterliquidfalls.

(click to enlarge)
Why not water? This area is poor in nitrogen, methane and CO2 ice and exposed water ice signatures were detected nearby . A volcanic eruption or an impact could have melted and evaporated enough water ice to temporarily make the conditions for liquid water possible, or at least a briny ammonia-water or salty "cryolava". If ammonia-water cryolava flowed on Ariel then it can flow on Pluto.
Well, I wouldn't suggest water as a first possibility. There's a lot of factors that would make that scenario relatively unlikely but you can't rule it out at 0% chance.
QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 25 2015, 02:34 PM) *
Well, I wouldn't suggest water as a first possibility. There's a lot of factors that would make that scenario relatively unlikely but you can't rule it out at 0% chance.

And what would those factors be? IIRC ammonia-water volcanism created a lot of landforms on the more active of Uranian moons. Pluto's crust is mostly water ice and an impact or volcanic activity can easily evaporate/melt it.
the surface coloring makes using SFS a bit " fun"
With what looks like ice frost on rims and the light and dark areas this is basically a mess

the stereo data will be better
Click to view attachment Click to view attachment
3d renderings at a low angle
The latest LORRI images are really awesome (didn't get a proper look at them until now). I look forward to when we get the LEISA_HIRES images of this depression (reminiscent of a feature much further south, image 2):

Click to view attachment

Note how it appears to have erased part of the crater at the top.

(the eye of Pluto aka Elliot Crater will be interesting to get a closer look at, too - if the image track doesn't miss it)
QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 25 2015, 02:07 AM) *
Here's a full tweened morph of the latest stereo image release.

Very nice-
that image really brings out the depth of the craters-
Odd that we've just seen round collapse features on comets in the Chury-Gury imhotep region,
and here is another set of round-deep-walled pits to spark the imagination.
My mosaic from the new LORRI images, a nice sweep across the globe.

Click to view attachment

Could anyone please suggest the ground track for this mosiac?
QUOTE (wildespace @ Oct 27 2015, 08:36 PM) *
My mosaic from the new LORRI images, a nice sweep across the globe.

Click to view attachment

Could anyone please suggest the ground track for this mosiac?

Left middle part of Pluto.
QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 25 2015, 03:07 AM) *
One area I find particularly interesting is in the upper right corner. It could just be me seeing things but It would almost seem as if at some point in the past, the darkest patches were some sort of liquid and the fractured terrain has lead to some sort of system of waterliquidfalls.

Interesting parallels to what you see from melting glaciers in Greenland.
That certainly has a very similar appearance! Its difficult to rectify the lack of energy currently at Pluto still.

There was a blog post a little while back that confirmed that the red channel is IR, green channel RED (though I think slightly back mixed with red probably) and blue channel BLUE. In the full global MVIC shot, this area is heavily covered with very red patches, meaning they are highly IR reflective. So if we dump the luminance from the IR data, the dark patches we see in the LORRI shots stay dark and they look more lake-like (dried of course). Maybe Pluto really did have a much more energetic past with a much more substantial atmosphere.

It will be very interesting to see LEISA data from this area I think.
QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 28 2015, 02:26 PM) *
That certainly has a very similar appearance!
Its difficult to rectify the lack of energy currently at Pluto still.
In the full global MVIC shot, this area is heavily covered with very red patches, meaning they are highly IR reflective.
So if we dump the luminance from the IR data, the dark patches we see in the LORRI shots stay dark and they look more lake-like (dried of course). Maybe Pluto really did have a much more energetic past with a much more substantial atmosphere.

Two follow ups - First, something interesting if you compare the above lorri mosaic to the full disk image-
The plains about 1/3 of the way up the image, between the large impact crater and hummock terrain, are dull grey in lorri, but bright and shiny in the full disk image. There does seem to be a definite "glossly" or clear-coat quality to some areas on Pluto. Depending on the sun angle, they can appear much brighter then they actually are.
Also, it appears that Titan's atmosphere may alternate between thick greenhouse effect with surface lakes, then thin where the atmosphere would be frozen out. IIRC, NASA press releases mentioned that Charon's red polar cap could be due to tholins from Pluto's distended atmosphere, so it's conceivable that Pluto has eras where there's a significant atmosphere. Doesn't have to happen often, but if orbital periods could create a temporary Snowball earth, they might create a temporary slushball Pluto.
I don't want to get too speculative or off topic here but I've postulated previously that the increase in atmospheric pressure that was suspected to be occurring since the late 80s, may be explained by a much denser atmosphere clinging to the surface, quickly ascending / expanding away from the surface, and would have tainted the occultation readings by placing more mass at observable altitudes over time. Features on the surface certainly look fresh, when compared to pretty much every other body in the solar system, save for Earth. Theres plenty of other areas that clearly have liquid or semi-liquid substances moving.

Here's another version of the global MVIC image. In this, I've dumped the 'green' and blue luminance channels and overlaid the color channel from the deep color enhancement global view I posted previously, leaving essentially a colorized IR view of the globe. I also further enhanced the contrast of the luminance layer to bring out some details thats aren't typically visible. The color channel was also reduced to 66%.

Here is the deep color enhancement once again.

QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 28 2015, 11:05 AM) *
Here's another version of the global MVIC image... essentially a colorized IR view of the globe.

This is an absolutely spectacular and informative rendition in which it is far easier to discern both detail and possible compositional dfferentiation in both the older and darker terrains. Thank you.
Happy to hear and thank you! I'm always trying to find new ways to look at data.
New image:

Tip: Take a deep breath first.... smile.gif
That is some dramatic terrain on Pluto's dark side:

Click to view attachment
Now that's pretty! Putting a few more in the weekly swear jar, as usual...

It should be possible to extrapolate and compare the night side horizon outline with features seen on approach, right?
Great image. I can't wait to see if they have a sequence of frames like this.

@Explorer1, should be mostly easy if you can overlay a grid here on this image. Gennady and Bjorn could probably handle this quickest with their models.

Edit: Just a quick render.

Obviously pretty rough but should be close I think.
FWIW, the star field is at the boundary between Cancer and Lynx:

Click to view attachment
Was the new full MVIC crescent image rotated 3 degrees prior to being published, or is the striping/banding artefact (mostly removed in this version) not aligned with the sensor?
I also notice there was a slight change in scale between this release and the earlier one. This one appears about 0.13% smaller (about 4.5 pixels out of every 3000).

Also, @ZLD That new version of the stretched color image is fantastic.
This new image is in its original orientation, so yes, the residual electronic noise is tilted relative to the image rows and columns. Also, the first-released version of the image was rotated slightly to make the horizon horizontal near the skyline mountains, for maximum scenic effect.

Bill Harris
QUOTE (ZLD @ Oct 29 2015, 12:10 PM) *
Happy to hear and thank you! I'm always trying to find new ways to look at data.

Odd atmospherics there. wink.gif

Ought to call it The Wilson Effect...


Here's a quick tweened morph between the July 13 image released today and the highest resolution MVIC image from July 14. These are in GIF format. Below each thumbnail is a link to a much smaller, mobile friendly WebM version.

2s interval

- (25MB)
WebM Version

4s interval

- (46MB)
WebM Version

These are focused animations, synthetic but similar to those I made for Ceres. This on is currently focused on the on the central dip in the heart of TR just to give it a central point. Definitely willing to refocus the animation to anywhere anyone is interested in. Just let me know.
QUOTE (Gladstoner @ Oct 29 2015, 06:40 PM) *
New image:

Tip: Take a deep breath first.... smile.gif

Not sure how many of you noticed, but Pluto is casting shadow through its hazy atmosphere:

Click to view attachment

Humongous image from NASA:
QUOTE (john_s @ Oct 29 2015, 06:14 PM) *
This new image is in its original orientation, so yes, the residual electronic noise is tilted relative to the image rows and columns. Also, the first-released version of the image was rotated slightly to make the horizon horizontal near the skyline mountains, for maximum scenic effect.


Thanks! I probably should have figured as much, since the star streaks are aligned with the image and the vertical dimension of the image is consistent with what one would expect for a non-rotated image. tongue.gif
I have just read a part about Io in the book "Vzdálené světy I" (Distant Worlds I) by Tomáš Petrásek and Igor Duszek from 2009. This book is focused on the Jovian moons, and the chapters on Io contain some really interesting pictures and information on Io, with many references. Apparently, in a lot of places, Io is covered by sulfur dioxide snow spewed by volcanoes that also cause the signature otherworldy blue colors that we see on pictures of Io's, and a lot of those plumes are probably caused by underground deposits of sulfur dioxide (hidden just few tens or hundreds of meters below the surface and occasionally flowing up like hot springs on Earth) being boiled when lava flows into them. Some calderas on Io also display frozen SO2 that resulted from them being filled by liquid SO2 from underground springs that subsequently froze. It also had some very nice pictures of Ionian mountains, no, not volcanoes, mountains caused by tectonic activity made of rock.
Mountains like this:

There is also this close-up picture of Io that strangely reminds me of Pluto's "snakeskin terrain". I couldn't find it on the Internet so I photographed it from the book by my smartphone, hope this meets fair use guidelines:

The scale is a lot closer that the snakeskin terrain, but still...

What is the relevance of this to Pluto you might say? Well, for one, the absence of a dense atmosphere does not mean the absence of liquids. Regional, small, liquid deposits can exists underground in a shallow depth. Io's atmosphere is about 1000x thinner than Pluto. It does not require for it to be a relic of a past "dense atmosphere epoch" either, as these deposits can arise by normal volcanic acitivity. Liquids leaking on the surface might freeze and boil, creating weird formations. The book also mentions that the present epoch of Io's hyperactivity might not be permanent and it might swing into and out of cycles of hyperactivity and saner volcanic acitivity. Just because there are no obvious active geysers on the side of Pluto that New Horizons imaged in high resolution does not mean it is not presently geologically active, if we count the time of the close flyby as being the time when the probe was 768 000 km or closer to Pluto (time when it took the iconic "heart" photo, the close flyby took just below 15 hours or less than a single day. If your flyby of Earth was that short, odds are there wouldn't be any obvious active volcanos visible at a given side of the Earth. I live in a country (Slovakia) that had the last volcanic activity occuring 100 000 years ago, yet it would be silly to call Slovakia "geologically inactive" terrain. So my money is on Pluto being active right now, we've seen "remnants of cryovolcanism" on Ariel and this is definitely something entirely different.

Some violent sublimation might also occur, as apparently, it is not just the eliptical orbit that changes Pluto's temperature but the extreme axial tilt might play an even bigger role. Apparently, the summer temperatures can go into 70s in the Kelvin scale and the melting point of nitrogen is 63.15 Kelvin, which is also the boiling point in such a thin atmosphere, so the sublimation is less "slow drying over millions of years" like on Callisto and more flash boling of ice:

A summertime high might only be “in the 70’s” as measured in Kelvins—about 330 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius).
Bill Harris
Very well put. Our current visits to minor planets-- Ceres, Charon and Pluto-- will necessitate what can and cannot happen with or without sensible atmospheres and the processes of geologic activity. Even the visit to a cometary body has been an eye-opener.

Two interesting smaller icefields in the 'new' mid-range pictures from 2015-07-13:
Click to view attachment
Looks like the new LORRI images have been posted. Lots of low sun incidence shots.
The images of Pluto from 0.7 km must be the Charonshine images. IIRC there were to 720 of them.
Gennady Ionov
Unfortunately, it seems there is no night-side images of Pluto with exposure 400 ms. Only stars in fame.
It is a so pity! I was hoping for these pictures ...
In regards to the latest images:

Alex Parker ‏@Alex_Parker 41m41 minutes ago

@elakdawalla I think those are both the scattered light characterization images (the ones that say PLUTO but have nothing in the frame).

... and then the ones that say CHARON are the high phase charon images. Can see a wee crescent.
Here's the full list of LORRI images published in SOC today. identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:26 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:48:25 UTC identified as 'H_LORRI_APPR_1d2', described as 'Nominal 2.5-sigma LORRI mosaic of Hydra', published at 2015-10-30T16:33:20 UTC identified as 'H_LORRI_APPR_1d2', described as 'Nominal 2.5-sigma LORRI mosaic of Hydra', published at 2015-10-30T16:33:13 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:39:14 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:39:07 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:38:45 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:38:55 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:39:02 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:38:40 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:49 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:29 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:36 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:43 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:10 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:18 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:24 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:37:04 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:36:57 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:36:52 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:36:05 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:36:00 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:45 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:51 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:31 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:24 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:37 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:09 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:03 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:35:16 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:34:58 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:34:53 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:34:48 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:34:42 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:31:57 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:54 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:31:01 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:31:50 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:40 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:47 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:34 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:29 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:31:44 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:06 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:29:59 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:30:13 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:29:53 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:29:20 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:40 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:46 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:53 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:23 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:34 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:14 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:08 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:26:02 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:55 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:48 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:41 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:30 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:36 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:24 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:18 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:25:12 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:43 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:53 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:22:02 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:30 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:23 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:37 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:18 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:12 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:07 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:21:01 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:20:55 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:17:24 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:17:17 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:17:34 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:35 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:29 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:24 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:19 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:13 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:57 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:16:06 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:50 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:45 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:36 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:31 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:21 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:11 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:16 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:14:57 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:15:05 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:14:51 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:14:13 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:14:06 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:49 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:14:00 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:54 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:36 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:42 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:19 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:26 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:13 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:13:05 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:59 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:52 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:45 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:39 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:28 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:33 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:12:21 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:09:05 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:09:14 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:09:23 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:08:57 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:08:50 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:08:42 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:08:36 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:06:20 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:58 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:06:07 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:06:14 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:53 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:48 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:43 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:37 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:31 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:04:18 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:05:04 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:09:52 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:04:10 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:04:04 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:57 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:51 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:46 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:31 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:36 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:41 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:27 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:21 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:03:16 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:02:24 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:02:19 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:02:01 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:02:06 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:02:12 UTC identified as 'PC_AIRGLOW_FILL_2_04', described as 'LORRI ride-along to Alice PC_AIRGLOW_FILL_2', published at 2015-10-30T16:32:42 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:01:56 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:01:37 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:01:45 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:01:51 UTC identified as 'P_DEEPIM', described as 'Deep 2.4-sigma LORRI mosaic of Pluto nightside, in one frame', published at 2015-10-30T17:01:29 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:40:11 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_2', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 02:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:40:05 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:33:19 UTC identified as 'C_PLUTOLIGHT_1', described as 'Charon in Pluto light, first set, ~7/17 00:15 UT', published at 2015-10-30T17:33:13 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:54:51 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:54:28 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:54:20 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:54:13 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:57 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:51 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:45 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:53:53 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_05', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:53:28 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:21 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:16 UTC identified as 'PC_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2_01', described as 'A LORRI Portion', published at 2015-10-30T16:49:11 UTC identified as 'P_MPAN_1', described as 'LORRI Ride-Along', published at 2015-10-30T16:46:56 UTC identified as 'P_MPAN_1', described as 'LORRI Ride-Along', published at 2015-10-30T16:46:58 UTC identified as 'PC_VISUV_MAP_B_5_L1', described as '2 images of Pluto and Charon w/ LORRI 1x1', published at 2015-10-30T16:31:33 UTC identified as 'U_HAZARD_173', described as null, published at 2015-10-30T16:28:41 UTC identified as 'P_MPAN_1', described as 'LORRI Ride-Along', published at 2015-10-30T16:47:09 UTC identified as 'P_MPAN_1', described as 'LORRI Ride-Along', published at 2015-10-30T16:47:19 UTC
Saturns Moon Titan
So these are the Charon images which when processed should show the night side of Charon illuminated by Pluto-shine, right?
Yes but the compressed versions we have probably won't contain enough data to pull much out. Probably have to wait until they release an official version.
Moved to here.
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