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My thought is with you guys, and a hope that you will not be too badly affected.

Yes the storm did get to our news also, in fact it became the head of the prime time news.
So we've seen some images from it here also.

Good luck, all I can say.
Checking in via a public wifi as we lost power at home in the enhanced Hurricane Sandy (aka Sandy+).
I'll update my blog as long as I have access...
Good luck to all those in Sandy's path. Take care and don't be a reckless hero.
Relieved to hear today that my stepdaughter, who lives in lower Manhattan, is safe & alright.

Best wishes to all affected by this terrible storm.
Finally online again via work. Power, cable still out at home but everybody OK and no other damage. Hope the internet managed without me? wink.gif

Phil Stooke
Only just!


Tom Tamlyn
Very glad to hear you're OK. The internet's glad too. laugh.gif

Give my regards to your wife; I have pleasant memories of meeting her at the NYC dinner for Doug a few years back.

QUOTE (Airbag @ Nov 1 2012, 03:15 PM) *
Finally online again via work. Power, cable still out at home but everybody OK and no other damage. Hope the internet managed without me? wink.gif


We either have very few UMSF'ers on the U.S. east coast, or a lot of stoic people who rode through Sandy without being too badly affected, or we haven't yet heard from some of our number who have had no power and/or internet access all week.

To all who came through it and all who may be rejoining us soon, good luck and may the multiverse's great deity, Mr. Murphy (he of Murphy's Laws) look kindly on you in these stressful times.

-the other Doug
Finally power and internet at home, after almost 13 days without. For sure I would have gone crazy without internet access at work! Amazing how you can get used to a cold house, dark rooms, and limited kitchen facilities. However, now wallowing in the luxury of warmth, lighting, and various modern conveniences again. I still carry a flashlight with me though, that will be a hard habit to break....

Hopefully others affected out here are either lurking again or will be soon. Thank you for your comments above! Rovers, feel free to continue now laugh.gif

I was (and still am) in Arica Chile when we get a 8.2 earthquake yesterday night at 20.50
People know what to do here specialy regarding tsunami risks so 40.000 people either walked or drove up to the valley.
Not a lot of damages for such a big one.
Sheers to my Chilians friends
QUOTE (nprev @ Jul 30 2008, 09:47 AM) *
Ah, ground-dancing ain't so bad... rolleyes.gif

I have been wanting for a long time to upload a movie of 2011 M9 earthquake. I found
just the right one recently, quite by accident, which is here.

This is probably the most compreheisive record of what it was like in the region up north. In
my area, which is Devon to London equivalent, I think, it was different. It was a lot milder and
the ground actually felt like slowly dancing below me.

It was a typical simple harmonic motion of perhaps 0.5 Hz and lasted for 5 minutes or so. Amplitude
felt like 30cm, and something like that is actually shown in the movie with gaping pavement.

We are currently expecting another big one like this. There is a local saying here which says that
at leats once in your life time you will experience a giant earthquake. My auntie who lives up north
in Sendai, close to the epicentre of this earthquake, has had 3 such experiencies already with her cats.

I have had one, but it may not be the last... P

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