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Full Version: Phoenix over Heimdall Crater
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I did an episode which included an update on Phoenix and did use the Heimdall image, but the movie version is just for UMSF.
The last few eps have had Phoenix updates and next week I'll be filming my 100th episode of Skywatch.
smile.gif ...major congratulations!!! May there be hundreds more (unless you get your own series, of course...)

(Gonna embarrass you here)... For those who might not know, Astro0's day job is as an intrepid Australian TV reporter and science educator who does some remarkable things to bring the magic and wonder of space to his audience...not the least of which was to jump out of a perfectly good plane to illustrate Phoenix's descent, which, despite 26 years in the USAF I wouldn't do for love or money.

Somehow, he finds time to regularly dazzle us here on UMSF with amazing images of Mars. I strongly suspect that he's been cloned at least three times.

FWIW, I salute you, sir; you are greatly enriching the lives of others, and certainly educating the young and old alike in the importance of space exploration. Surely there is no more noble calling. Keep on keepin' on! smile.gif
OK, that was embarassing. I just do what I do.
There are lots of people on UMSF far more talented, doing better image manipulation, and encouraging the masses through their outreach efforts.

I am the one honoured to just be here and contributing every now and then.
Thanks nprev, I am appreciative of your words.

Astro0 wink.gif
Astro0 - Just wanted to say that your images have been regulars on the T-shirts I order from Cafe Press. Got a couple coming in now with the Heimdall Crater shot on the back, with the footpad pic and scoop mosiac pic on the front for my son and I. His class in school is named "Phoenix"!
Wow. It's the image that keeps on giving...

(The UniverseToday story points to , which points back to the HiRISE site, but I can't find anything there yet.)

We finally have an answer to where the color swaths fell.

I have a lot of info on why there are gaps between the color coverage that I'd like to post later today. But mostly it has to do with the fact that the CCDs on HiRISE are not all in a line, they're offset vertically, so since HiRISE had to slew in order to follow Phoenix, there were gaps between some of the image swaths.

(Thanks to slinted for pointing out the new image at the end of yesterday's Ustream chat.)

QUOTE (Tman @ May 29 2008, 07:39 PM) *
Could that be the heat shield? It looks rounder and sharper than most of the other "spots".

Kudos Tman for seemingly getting it right very early on!
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