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Full Version: GRAIL: New DISCOVERY mission to the moon
Unmanned > Earth & Moon > Lunar Exploration
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Phil Stooke
How accurate were the pre-impact predictions?

Here is an overlay of the pre-impact prediction on the new topo map showing the actual impact crater locations. B was nearly 1000 m off its prediction, A only about 600 m. Not bad!


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GRAIL's gravity map has revealed a "hidden valley system", acording to the BBC article and the paper published in Nature.

Scientists have identified a huge rectangular feature on the Moon that is buried just below the surface.

The 2,500km-wide structure is believed to be the remains of old rift valleys that later became filled with lava.

Centred on the Moon's Procellarum region, the feature is really only evident in gravity maps acquired by Nasa's Grail mission in 2012.

But knowing now of its existence, it is possible to trace the giant rectangle's subtle outline even in ordinary photos.

Mare Frigoris, for example, a long-recognised dark stripe on the lunar surface, is evidently an edge to the ancient rift system.

"It's really amazing how big this feature is," says Prof Jeffery Andrews-Hanna.

"It covers about 17% of the surface of the Moon. And if you think about that in terms relative to the size of the Earth, it covers an area equivalent to North America, Europe and Asia combined," the Colorado School of Mines scientist told BBC News.

"When we first saw it in the Grail data, we were struck by how big it was, how clear it was, but also by how unexpected it was.

"No-one ever thought you'd see a square or a rectangle on this scale on any planet."

What are your thoughts on the possible causes of its formation? The article mentions heating from radioactive decay, and subsequent cooling, but could this have been possibly caused by the giant impacts that created the maria on the near side?

[Edit] NASA article.
Phil Stooke
The giant impacts did not create the maria. They created the big craters (basins) which contain some of the maria. The maria, the lava flows, are anywhere from 400 to 2000 million years later than the impacts, as shown by sample dating. Since GRAIL's linear features do not follow the pattern of big impact basins either concentrically or radially, they are most likely not related to the impacts.

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