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Good review, Phil! smile.gif
Phil Stooke
That is quite good, isn't it? It's nice to be appreciated. Wait till you see what I'm doing on Mars! I just started the illustrations a few weeks ago, first by compiling some base maps, then the actual book figures. I will post a few examples later. I'm busy now with compiling a step by step account of Viking operations.

Available since mid-February 2009:
The Crowded Universe - the search for living planets '
by Alan Boss, an astrophysicist who has been working closely on the Kepler Space Observatory mission...
THEMIS mission:
Long awaited in the Outward Odyssey series:

Ambassadors from Earth Outward Odyssey
Mike Brown wrote a review for the excellent book: ‘ The Crowded Universe - the search for living planets '
by Dr Alan Boss, an astrophysicist who has been working closely on the Kepler Space Observatory mission...
check the 12th April entry on his blog:
I have noticed a few separate topics on downloadable books, well here are a few more:
Well, a few must-have books during this IYA2009:

Deep Space Craft
Springer Praxis Books: Astronautical Engineering (By Dave Doody)

Impact Craters in the Solar System
Springer Praxis Books: (By Elzabeth Turtle)

The Hunt for Planet X
By Govert Schilling

And I guess there’ll be a Robotic Exploration of the Solar System 3 by Paolo … correct?
QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Apr 17 2009, 11:54 AM) *
And I guess there’ll be a Robotic Exploration of the Solar System 3 by Paolo … correct?

yes, we are working on it. We will have a short delay because next week I will move to live and work in France and I will have a lot of other things to do beside writing
QUOTE (Paolo @ Apr 17 2009, 01:26 PM) *
I will move to live and work in France

Where about?
QUOTE (climber @ Apr 17 2009, 07:14 PM) *
Where about?

I should be in Metz for a few months and then hopefully move to Paris
Phil Stooke
Well, maybe 'coming soon' is a slight exaggeration, but it's coming. Cambridge has accepted my Mars Atlas proposal, so I've put up a web page about it with a few samples of the content. If we go the two volume route the first will be sent to them late in 2011 and published about a year later.

Phil, where are you stopping? Pathfinder?
Phil Stooke
There's some uncertainty about this. How long will MER continue? How long will MSL operate? I can't judge the length of volume 2 yet. But if we have a good long journey ahead of us still for Opportunity - and who knows for Spirit? - and a long MSL mission then each volume will extend to about 350 pages with a convenient break just before MER.

I've just finished a draft of the Viking 1 section. Viking site selection plus all of Viking 1 is about 55 pages. Viking 2 might push that up near 100 pages just for that mission.

Anyway, still up in the air.

Yikes! 2012! How will I be able to wait? [twiddles thumbs] ph34r.gif

Seriously Phil, I cant wait - Ive been waiting for something like this for years....good luck with it!

Phil Stooke
You're right, I shouldn't have mentioned it until a month before it was due out.

It sounds excellent but such a long wait for it. It will be wort the wait.
Off topic as far as unmanned spaceflight is concerned but I'd hate for people to miss this. I thought people might be interested to know about "A MAN ON THE MOON" author Andrew Chaikin's new book, "VOICES FROM THE MOON" which features some rather stunning new versions of much loved old Apollo images. He was good enough to let me use one of his pictures - and answer some questions about how he made them - on my blog, so I think it is relevent to UMSF. If you would like to know more, please have a look at:
Some of us have been looking forward to this book:

Planetary Rovers - Tools for Space Exploration ( Springer Praxis Books - Astronautical Engineering )
Richter, Lutz, Ellery, Alex, Barnes, Dave
2009, Approx. 400 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-642-03258-5

Due by September 2009
Edited by Michele Dougherty, Larry Esposito, Tom Krimigis
Hardcover: 600 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 1, 2009)
ISBN-10: 1402092164
ISBN-13: 978-1402092169

Edited by Robert Brown, Jean Pierre Lebreton, Hunter Waite
Hardcover: 600 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (October 1, 2009)
ISBN-10: 1402092148
ISBN-13: 978-1402092145
Paul Schenk ( LPI )
Complete color global maps and high-resolution mosaics of Jupiter’s four large moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto – are compiled for the first time in this important atlas. The satellites are revealed as four visually striking and geologically diverse planetary bodies: Io’s volcanic lavas and plumes and towering mountains; Europa’s fissured ice surface; the craters, fractures and polar caps of Ganymede; and the giant impact basins, desiccated plains and icy pinnacles of Callisto. Featuring images taken from the recent Galileo mission, this atlas is a comprehensive mapping reference guide for researchers. It contains 65 global and regional maps, nearly 250 high-resolution mosaics, and images taken at high resolutions….

Available by February 2010 (ISBN-13: 9780521868358)
The impact of HST on European Astronomy
Editor F. Duccio Macchetto
Major contributions facilitated by the Hubble Space Telescope range from the study of nearby planets, the processes of star and planet formation, the stellar and interstellar components of galaxies, the discovery that most, if not all, galactic nuclei harbor a massive black hole that profoundly affects their evolution, to the realisation that the universe as a whole is undergoing acceleration as a result of a yet unknown form of "dark energy".
This volume offers a broad perspective of the advancements made possible by the HST over its almost two decades of operation and
emphasises their impact on European astronomical research. These proceedings of 41st in ESLAB series of the European Space Agency collect the oral and poster papers that were presented and discussed during the meeting.
# ISBN-10: 9048133998
# ISBN-13: 978-9048133994
Just heard that " Ambassadors from Earth " will become available this month:,674133.aspx


Best regards,

For US customers, it's much cheaper on Amazon; $23 plus shipping vs. $37 plus straight from U of N Press.

Terrific news; been waiting for this one to come out!
Not strictly UMSF related, but French-speeking members may be interested in this very good biography of Le Verrier
Another superb book on HST observations;
And the long-awaited book on Hubble by Dr Ed Weiler himself:
Hubble: a journey through space and time
ISBN-10: 0810989972
ISBN-13: 978-0810989979

QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Nov 4 2008, 12:32 PM) *
Paolo Ulivi's " Robotic Exploration of the Solar System - Part 2 - Hiatus and renewal 1983-1996 " is a must have!
535 pages covering Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar, Giotto, Vega, Magellan, Galileo, Ulysses, NEAR, Mars 94/96, Sojourner... to name a few missions!

Also Part 1. I have both books, and pre-ordered Part 3 on Amazon. Amount of historic details is astonishing, particularly about Russian probes from 1960's-70's.
QUOTE (Mark6 @ Nov 20 2009, 07:25 PM) *
Also Part 1. I have both books, and pre-ordered Part 3 on Amazon.

Thanks very much, I am glad you liked them!
Please note that I am running very late with Part 3 (presently bogged down writing about MERs). It probably won't be available until 2nd half of 2010
Histoire Visuelle des Sondes Spatiales: the book covers scientific discoveries made possible by planetary exploration...

French language, 376 pages
ISBN 9782762129700

Nice cover image what with New Horizons flying a few hundred KM's over a massively exaggerated Valles Marineris

umm - yeah.

We all understand what You mean Doug, but I guess he wanted to highlight the subtitle " From Luna 1 to New Horizons " by putting both spacecraft on the cover. ( New Horiozns being the best looking spacecraft since Voyager ) wink.gif
The red planet added some color to the cover, but an artist impression of Pluto would have been more fitting for both spacecraft.
Just to let You all know I pre-ordered this book on and will posts a short review as soon as possible...
You never know, that might *be* an artist's impression of Pluto! smile.gif Maybe we'll find giant massive red-tinged valleys on Pluto once we get there. smile.gif
I would like to point out a great book to conclude the International Year of Astronomy 2009:
Questions of Modern Cosmology: Galileo's Legacy

Missions from JPL: Fifty Years of Amazing Flight Projects (Paperback)
By Robert Aster
# ISBN-10: 1449916104
# ISBN-13: 978-1449916107
Robotic Exploration of the Solar System - Part 3 is listed at Amazon:
QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Mar 12 2010, 03:56 PM) *
Robotic Exploration of the Solar System - Part 3 is listed at Amazon:

actually, it will be out no sooner than early 2011
Phil Stooke
Boks are listed long before they are available. Still, should be worth waiting for!

The Human Archaeology of Space: Lunar, Planetary and Interstellar Relics of Exploration
It's a sort of catalog listing archaeological artifacts that have been left behind in space as a result of human exploration, this book describes the remnants of lost satellites, discarded lunar rovers, depleted rockets, and various abandoned spacecrafts.
Three parts cover distinct but interconnected issues of lunar, planetary, and interstellar archaeology.
In Parts One and Two, individual chapters cover the history of each space mission, along with technical notes and, in some cases, images of the artifacts in question. Curious if the MER "Spirit" is already as such classified huh.gif
Part Three explores the archaeology of mobile artifacts in the Solar System and the wider galaxy, looking particularly at the problems encountered in attempting a traditional archaeological field survey of artifacts that may remain in motion indefinitely.

ISBN-13: 978-0786458592

QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Apr 6 2010, 03:49 AM) *
The Human Archaeology of Space: Lunar, Planetary and Interstellar Relics of Exploration
It's a sort of catalog listing archaeological artifacts that have been left behind in space....

Not sure what prompted the flurry of books on this topic, but there is another

Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and Heritage
Editor(s): Ann Darrin, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA
Beth L. O'Leary, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA
published by CRC press, ISBN: 9781420084313

Has a chapter by me in it...
Huh. Wonder if the Google X-Prize was the main stimulus. Good that there's some scholarship happening on the subject, anyhow.
QUOTE (peter59 @ Jan 15 2008, 01:21 PM) *
April 10, 2008
Titan Unveiled: Saturn's Mysterious Moon Explored
by Ralph Lorenz, Jacqueline Mitton
Publisher: Princeton University Press

Titan Unveiled came out in paperback this week (a rather affordable fifteen bucks at a well-known
on-line retailer)
The paperback has an additional chapter to bring it a little more up to date with lakes, Flagship, etc.
Voyager seeking newer worlds in the third age of discovery
is a narrative of the Voyager mission - its conception, its launch, its trek through the solar system. But along with that chronicle is a running commentary that positions the mission within the long trajectory of exploration by Western civilization and asks how Voyager's journey resembles and differs from earlier expeditions. The organizing device is the concept of three great ages of discovery of which Voyager may be the grand gesture for the third. The third age had its transition in Antarctica and its first major announcement with the International Geophysical Year; its geographic domains are ice, ocean, and space; its cultural context is an uneasy bonding with a greater modernism.

• Hardcover: 480 pages
• Publisher: Viking Adult (July 22, 2010)
• ISBN-10: 0670021830
• ISBN-13: 978-0670021833
Phil Stooke
"its cultural context is an uneasy bonding with a greater modernism. "


The Space Robots of the Soviets: Mission Technologies and Discoveries
by Welsey T. Huntress, Jr.

The Space Robots of the Soviets provides a history of the Soviet robotic lunar and planetary exploration program from its inception, with the attempted launch of a lunar impactor on September 23, 1958, to the last launch in the Russian national scientific space program in the 20th Century, Mars 96, on November 16, 1996.

Springer by June 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4419-7897-4
Professor Colin Pillinger's new book: My Life on Mars - The Beagle 2 diaries
Two more books on unmanned spacecraft:

From Jars to the Stars: How Ball came to build a Comet-hunting machine.
by Todd Neff

ISBN 978-0982958308
From Jars to the Stars tells the remarkable story of Ball Aerospace - descended from the famed maker of Mason jars - and NASA's Deep Impact comet mission, presenting an inside look into the backgrounds, characters and motivations of the men and women who create the spacecraft on which the American space program rides.

Martian Summer: The Phoenix Mission, Cowboy Spacemen and the Search for Life on the Red Planet.
by Andrew Kessler

ISBN 978-1605981765
The Phoenix Mars mission was the first man-made probe ever sent to the Martian arctic. They planned to find out how climate change can turn a warm wet planet (read: Earth) into a cold barren desert (read: Mars). That might seem like a trivial pursuit, but it's probably the most impressive feat we humans can achieve. It takes nearly the entirety of human knowledge to do it.
Deep Space Probes: to the outer solar system & beyond
by Gregory Matloff

ISBN: 978-3642063923

The Space Age is nearly 50 years old but exploration of the outer planets and beyond has only just begun. Deep-Space Probes Second Edition draws on the latest research to explain why we should explore beyond the edge of the Solar System and how we can build highly sophisticated robot spacecraft to make the journey. Many technical problems remain to be solved, among them propulsion systems to permit far higher velocities, and technologies to build vehicles a fraction of the size of today's spacecraft.
This second edition includes an entirely new chapter on holographic message plaques for future interstellar probes - a NASA-funded project.

Phil Stooke
Click to view attachment

Chang-e 1 lunar atlas.

I guess it's just out, not 'to be published' but I don't think it needs its own thread. Rather expensive (yikes, even more than my thingy) but probably should be in big libraries... so if you're attached to a big library you could suggest it to them and see if they bite. There is an email address for further information. It's not on the Sinomaps website (yet?) (note spelling error in that image - the publisher is Sinomaps Press)

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