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Additionally I just searched after "msvcp71.dll" on my harddisk and really found it in one of my Google Earth file folder (only there).

Do you think I could it copy into the right file folder that is needed for the IAS viewer? Could that cause any problem for my system? And which is effectively the right folder for that? smile.gif
QUOTE (Tman @ Jun 29 2007, 08:54 AM) *
Additionally I just searched after "msvcp71.dll" on my harddisk and really found it in one of my Google Earth file folder (only there).

Do you think I could it copy into the right file folder that is needed for the IAS viewer? Could that cause any problem for my system? And which is effectively the right folder for that? smile.gif

This is probably better answered on a Microsoft Windows forum. Not to be flippant, but it's really not an IAS client issue, or even a Java issue.
QUOTE (RichardLeis @ Jun 4 2007, 10:38 PM) *
New and improved site:

digg+/. or something? =)

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (145) in /data/www_hirise/ on line 3
Couldn't connect to database server
QUOTE (GuyMac @ Jun 29 2007, 08:14 PM) *
... but it's really not an IAS client issue, or even a Java issue.

The problem is that the Java installer does not comprehensively check that all of the lbraries that it needs are present when it runs.

I can replicate the problem that Tman reports by renaming the copy of msvcp71.dll that is in my c:\windows\system32 directory. If I then re-install Java 1.6 the installer does not detect that the library is missing. The Java install package should include the file and install it if it is not present.

Tman - the copy that is in this zip file is identical to the copy that works on my machine ( XP 5.1 SP2 ) that works with Java 1.6.0_01. I would prefer to point you to a Microsoft download but they have never provided a proper redistributable package for the Visual Studio 2003 runtime libraries that this file belongs to. Just unpack the two files it contains ( msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll) into your c:\windows\system32 folder.
QUOTE (slipstream @ Jun 29 2007, 01:38 PM) *
digg+/. or something? =)

No, some upgrades didn't go as smoothly as planned. sad.gif
First of all, the IAS viewer runs now on my computer! I can load (and work with) the images from the HiRISE site.

"This is probably better answered on a Microsoft Windows forum"
Yes you're surely right, my hope was to find here quick and easy an expert.

Thanks Helvick (I became bolder to try it)! Before I have to download this DLL file I first tried to copy it from my Google Earth folder into my c:\windows\system32 folder (thought it should be already compatible with my system). That seems already to work smoothly - as well the rest of my computer/software so far.
Is it just me? The IAS Viewer doesn't seem to load any images anymore since yesterday... It just sits there and exits automaticly or crashes with a java error.
Not just you,me too.
I have a question regarding the the IAS viewer that I've been using for quite a while (great program, BTW !!)
However, I havn't managed to find a way to save/export sub-images with resolution larger than the current screen window.
It seems that the pixel resolution of the sub-area to be saved is determined by the current desktop screen/window (i.e. with
a screen resolution of, say 1280x1024 pixels, this would also be the limit of the resolution for any image saved to disk.
Does anyone know a way to save images with larger-than-screen resolution ?
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