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Unmanned > Inner Solar System and the Sun > Sun > STEREO & SOHO
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Wonderful images, i'm really excited about this mission, more so than any other. Take a look at the High Res "Blue" image, incredible.. its at full resolution - 1800 x 1800 pixels, the others are "half res"
ohh tif files!(??) convenient! laugh.gif anyway, they look very nice and crisp. very low noise realtive to EIT.
You can resize the red 304A TIFF up to 1800 x 1800 to get an idea of what they will look like too.

Can anyone access this website anymore? not working for me.
QUOTE (Sunspot @ Jan 6 2007, 08:55 AM) *

Can anyone access this website anymore? not working for me.

Ditto. But this still works:
The other STEREO websites are very outdated in terms of the latest information. That was the only one that kept up to date.

Hmmm seems none of the "nascom" sites are working.
There appear to be images from STEREO posted now, but I have no idea what format they are in (fts), I tried downloading a file but couldn't open it with anything I have.
I can't seem to get to the data atm (only the home page loads and very slowly). I assume .fts will be some sort of fits format. I'll have a go at this this week if I can get anything off the site.

Both the SOHO and STEREO sites are appear to be down again.
QUOTE (Sunspot @ Jan 7 2007, 09:40 AM) *
Both the SOHO and STEREO sites are appear to be down again.

Is the SOHO website still down even for US people?
The websites are back up if anyone wants to take a look at the STEREO images.
I just had a look. But then I noticed this:

The STEREO data policy calls for SECCHI images to be embargoed in the first few months of the mission. Until the embargo is over, access to SECCHI images requires password authentication. Data from other instruments are openly available as soon as they are received.

Well I guess the 'first few months of the mission' have passed but I suspect they mean of the science phase and that this embargo is still in place even if there is no password required at the moment. I guess I'll email someone before posting anything I shouldn't...
But I managed to download a file but haven't found anything that will open it.
Yep I can download the files as well, but I don't think that is because the embargo is over but rather a fault with the archive. I've emailed someone about it for clarification and until we hear otherwise I don't think it's appropriate to post any of the SECCHI images on UMSF.

The .fts files are, as I suspected, standard FITS files and open fine for me. smile.gif

What program did you use to open it with?
Well I used AIPS - but that's because I'm a radio astronomer and a sadist - I wouldn't recommend that!

FV seems to work and I think the GIMP will open FITS files these days although as far as I can tell you can't play around with the grey/colour scale range after loading (although I've never really tried) I think there is a photoshop plugin out there as well, 'FITS liberator' or something, never tried it but I probably should!

Im using Windows Millenium Edition lol I found FITSview and it opened the pic ok.
a small animation

- Spacecraft A
- Day 2007/01/04
- Filter 171
- size 25%

Animation +- 4 Mega in animated Gif
Oooh that's sweet. I think I'm really going to like this mission.
here a small video ( Xvid codec requis )

- Spacecraft A
- Day 2007/01/(03-04) ( 131 Frames )
- Filter 171
- size 25%

Click to view attachment
a quick composition with filter 171,195,304.

Click to view attachment

i will make a video with this coloration methode, but tomorrow, it's late now smile.gif
QUOTE (Indian3000 @ Jan 8 2007, 10:21 PM) *
a quick composition with filter 171,195,304.

Cool, this is the same composition for Dec,04 (first ligh) plus a merge of 286A and 304A pictures on the right:
Click to view attachment Click to view attachment
Bob Shaw
Anybody know if Stereo will be able to see comets as they pass the Sun in er, stereo?

Bob Shaw
They're not far from the earth-sun line, and SOHO's near that line too. There will be stereo, but it will probably be too weak to be of any use on comet morphology itself.
Talking about STEREO and comets passing the sun...

QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Jan 8 2007, 12:24 AM) *
Yep I can download the files as well, but I don't think that is because the embargo is over but rather a fault with the archive. I've emailed someone about it for clarification and until we hear otherwise I don't think it's appropriate to post any of the SECCHI images on UMSF.

I emailed Michael Kaiser about this - asked if the stuff was supposed to be out, can we play with it, and what should be a proper credit line....

His response today:
Feel free -- we have no embargoes. Of course, we're still in instrument commissioning phase so a lot of the stuff is still pretty raw. Better stuff coming soon. As to credits...SECCHI is managed by NRL (Russ Howard, PI) and STEREO is managed by NASA/GSFC.

Yay for the Stereo team smile.gif
QUOTE (Bob Shaw @ Jan 9 2007, 08:47 AM) *
Anybody know if Stereo will be able to see comets as they pass the Sun in er, stereo?
Bob Shaw

I don't see why not. The craft may still be pretty close to Earth now but as they spread apart along the Earth's orbit they should do that job very well, I would think.
It's unfortunate that McNaught was too early for full commissioning of the instruments and for there to be any significant baseline batween the two spacecraft. We'd have 3-d information on the "isochron" bands you can see in the Stereo images that have shown up on the net.

Each isochron striation is the result of an impulsive dust release from an "event" at the nucleus, spreading out along the tail as light pressure sorts fine particles from coarser and coarser particles. Comet West showed such bands spectacularly.
Wow...just wow.
Date, Spacecraft and Instrument all obvious from filename.

This is from A on the 5th
This imagery is incredible - I'm drowning in 32bits/p!

Here's an animation of the past 8 days or so of imagery of McNaught, one frame per day. All images are logarithmically scaled and then shifted linearly to set black level (totally arbitrary, but it works). This is a zipped avi file, to make the 1MB limit.
Click to view attachment
Incredible detail in the tail as it sails through Capricornus. Old striations becoming non-radial with the sun due to orbital motion superposed with newer radial striations. Insane. Ion tail clearly visible on the leading edge, as well. If I had time I'd do the full frame every 2 hours that are available...
Here's one uncompressed frame from the above animation, on the 16th:
Click to view attachment
That's Venus near bottom, and Mercury in the zodiacal light near the right of the frame.
Another animation, this time with all 12 frames from the 15th:
Click to view attachment
You can follow individual features in the tail as they recede from the sun.
Wow!!! Like eagle wings on their way through the Universe - just visiting the solar system by circling our sun!

Thanks Fred!
Looking at filenames - how do we tell which are the Extreme UV 304 frame images... STEREO's equivalent of SOHO's EIT 304 (Orange)?
Beautiful anims Fred - what did you use for manipulating the FITS?

Thanks, Doug - I used ImageJ. I ain't no image wizard though, and ImageJ was all I had that worked. I like its ability to do math on pixel values and its ability to handle very deep bitdepths. It's a bargain, too.
I see there are also some movies at this URL:
Does anyone know whether STEREO will have a similar policy to the SOHO mission regarding image release when everything is up and running, i.e. near real time image release. There are "beacon images" available but they are highly compressed for quick transmission.
They are already releasing stuff very rapidly - but as FITS images - they plan to get something better going eventually as I understand it.

well it's over a year and a half later now, what's going on with this site? still only horribly compressed "beacon images" and months old fits data files. awful.
QUOTE (deglr6328 @ Oct 14 2008, 08:05 AM) *
well it's over a year and a half later now, what's going on with this site? still only horribly compressed "beacon images" and months old fits data files. awful.

Yes it's a little disappointing compared to SOHO, i'm hoping for better from SDO.
What's the problem?
QUOTE (djellison @ Nov 30 2008, 07:05 PM) *
What's the problem?

I have wondered that since the first idiotic post in the thread. There is a difference between one website and a true lack of information.
QUOTE (tedstryk @ Dec 1 2008, 03:40 PM) *
I have wondered that since the first idiotic post in the thread. There is a difference between one website and a true lack of information.

This forum is getting unpleasantly cliquey
What do you want, a medal for complaining about something which 5 seconds with google shows to be totally untrue?
There's also a difference between getting a medal for 'complaining' and getting some helpful comments. And what's 'idiotic' about expecting full-res STEREO images on the official STEREO website? What's up with the 'let's make the ignorant newbie feel dumb' attitude all of a sudden?

Just my opinion. mad.gif
QUOTE (OWW @ Dec 6 2008, 10:51 AM) *
what's 'idiotic' about expecting full-res STEREO images on the official STEREO website?

Nothing. What's idiotic is complaining that there are no images, when there are, which 5 seconds with Google would tell anybody. What's idiotic is not checking first, before labelling STEREO as awful. It would be impossible to spend more than a minute looking for the images, without finding them. So what does that tell you when someone comes here and complains they don't exist?

Ted wasn't describing newbies as idiotic. Two very long term members, with significant post counts should have the initiative and sensibility to go and check that these images don't exist before complaining about it.

QUOTE (djellison @ Dec 6 2008, 10:58 AM) *
Ted wasn't describing newbies as idiotic. Two very long term members, with significant post counts should have the initiative and sensibility to go and check that these images don't exist before complaining about it.

But they don't exist

The images you linked to are available in 1024x1024 size images, STEREO has a 2048x2048 pixel ccd. So the images have been resized down, they are the same size as those from SOHO, also the latest image folder is 5 days old, SOHO images are generally available in real time, so my point still stands.

This image from SOHO was taken 30 minutes ago.
Phil Stooke
Let's all take a deep breath and pretend this little exchange didn't happen.

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