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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini PDS
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Thanks for those wonderful images EC. Desk-topped!
Excellent mosaic!
I tried a perspective view of this ancient basin (which i tried to get named Amata by the IAU but they decided to use the name for a itty bitty crater). Here they are. they are not all that pretty but perhaps will help everyone visuallize its shape.

what is really cool about this structure is the way that the younger grabens make a right angle curve right in the floor of this basin, as if following the rim
I'm guessing the odd shape and off-center central bulge of "The impact basin formerly known as Amata" is the result of extension on its west side, given all the graben on the west side.

At least that's how it is making sense in my mind. laugh.gif
Great work! Makes a great background for a large display. smile.gif
QUOTE (DrShank @ Oct 5 2010, 11:58 AM) *
(ps. preparing a blog on this and the other moons for later today . . . or tmrw!)

You've scooped yourself:
QUOTE (Exploitcorporations @ Oct 5 2010, 07:25 AM) *
The September 3rd encounter really had some jaw-droppy stuff! Here's the monster mosaic, with 22 clear-filter footprints using one of the WAC frames for control. Steve, this one is unusually precise for me so parts of it might be useful for your map, at least until the professionals release the definitive version:

Click to view attachment

Very nice mosaic EC - thanks for the suggestion about mapping. It's fun to dust off the Dione map and see how this fits in and adds new territory. So far so good. I'm posting here a grid overlay on your image. Looks like your north pole is fairly close to what I have at this point.

Click to view attachment
And here it is added onto a test version of the map...

Click to view attachment

I'm also working on refining a version that includes the Saturnshine images.

Here's a new version I processed this week:

Click to view attachment

And a full 8K resolution version (link below) that retains much of the detail in the images being used:

That's the latest,

Apologies if someone has already posted something like this somewhere but here is a full, uncompressed montage of Dione using the recent PDS data from COISS 2062 (1649316409 to 1649319522). I believe the level of detail is about 250m/pix.

Its my first proper attempt at doing a montage. The only issue was with colouring as the IR1, GRN & UV3 filters give everything a yellowy tinge. So I'm not sure how accurate my amended colouring is.

The download is the full 9MB file

and this is a very low res version.

Click to view attachment
Very nice! ohmy.gif
Very nice and majestic mosaic!
If you want compare colors in your mosaic with real colors, you can compare images from ISS camera with VIMS cubes.
Gordan Ugarkovic (Ugordan) has very nice program QUB2RGB, which converts cubes to real color images.

Here is a Dione map version with the feature names added to help in getting to know the place:

Click to view attachment

Full Resolution:

The Full resolution link doesn't work for me.
Ooops - I fixed this now. Hope it will satisfy your appetite smile.gif
Finally, after long pause, I did some mosaic.
It's Dione (and rings) from images which Cassini took on 12.12.2011.
Mosaic contains high resolution data from 14 images and color from another 42 (filters UV3, GRN, and IR1).
Colors are set to approximately natural look.
Original high resolution images had resolution 349 - 476 m/pix and final mosaic has 300 m/pix resolution.

Bjorn Jonsson
Great mosaic and one of the best ones of Dione I have seen. The Cassini ISS data set contains a huge amount of interesting stuff - it should be easy to find source data to make thousands of spectacular mosaics if time permitted.
Thanks! BTW, such mosaics are relatively easy to assemble thanks to your IMG2PNG calibration routine. So I thank you!
I looked at Cassini's data and for moons we can assemble a few dozens of larger mosaics (3×3 individual frames or more).
Little problem is, that several image processors are doing such mosaics and it's probably good idea not to duplicate works of others.
So every time before assembly of mosaic I'm doing little research who did what.
If you find nice large mosaics that are not in my image library already, please tell me (or just post links here)! I will include them and hopefully that will help you not duplicate others' work. I have your lovely Dione mosaic queued for posting but there has been so much good stuff to post lately that it's still in reserve.
I used the same data for a greyscale montage a while back here. Your processing is much better though and you've taken the time to add the colour as well which I just ran out of patience with.

I'm interested to know why you didn't add in the other moons which were part of the data.

In regards to people producing images with the same data as others, I can't see a problem. I find it interesting and exiting to see other interpretations smile.gif
QUOTE (elakdawalla @ Nov 29 2013, 06:37 PM) *
If you find nice large mosaics that are not in my image library already, please tell me (or just post links here)! ...

I'll try to do some list.

QUOTE (kyokugaisha @ Nov 29 2013, 06:56 PM) *
I used the same data for a greyscale montage a while back here. ...

I've used data from the same flyby but they are not the same data as yours.

I'm interested to know why you didn't add in the other moons which were part of the data.

Three reasons. 1. Data with moons have lower resolution. 2. Data with moons are BW only. 3. I saw BW Emily's mosaic with moons on the Planetary Society blog.

In regards to people producing images with the same data as others, I can't see a problem. I find it interesting and exiting to see other interpretations smile.gif

Making bigger mosaic is time consuming. I'm doing mosaics only when I can do such mosaic with some "added value" and highest added value is when mosaic
is entirely new.
I agree with both kyokugaisha and machi on this discussion. As a curator, I like seeing multiple (good) versions of image products, because it helps me to demonstrate how subjective choices are made during processing, and those choices differ from person to person. Of course, I also like seeing unique, new products, because there is so much underappreciated data in the archives. Both are valued!
Here is my take on a crescent Dione taken on approach to the Rev 16 flyby (October 11, 2005). It uses a high-resolution NAC mosaic along the daylit limb of Dione, and then fills the remainder with a WAC image where Dione's night side is backlit by Saturnshine.

Crescent Dione - Rev 16

I also found a nice three-frame black and white mosaic from Rev 27 (August 18, 2006) looking over Dione's south pole. The Saturn-facing side of the trailing hemisphere is nicely backlit here as well.

Dione - Rev 27
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