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Well, everyone, what hobbies and sports do you all enjoy? I love to build model aircraft and spacecraft, and am working on a Space Shuttle kit and an F-14 Tomcat. I got started when I was a kid, fell away in college (I was too busy studying and working) and got back into it a few years ago. I also enjoy bowling. Last week I got a 201 but yesterday I got a 96 (then followed that with a 162 - my average this year is around 140 and I'm joining a league in a couple of weeks). And there's working with and upgrading - occasionally building - my own computer.

As for watching sports, I like college football best (Arizona Wildcats), followed by pro, and then basketball (in mourning over losing to Illinois) and baseball, and I find I enjoy events better when I'm there in person. Maybe in the future, we'll be able to enjoy lunar baseball and zero-g football, soccer, basketball.....Or lunar hockey on an ice rink at the north pole, by then the NHL will have a labor agreement smile.gif
Running on the beach ... Riding Mountainbike ... Computing mars.gif
Photography, running and weights, upgrading hardware.
I used to take more time for sports; about 1 hour a day but now these two rovers on Mars do the running and I'm getting fat looking at the images. biggrin.gif

Chess ... Astronomy ... Mountainbiking
I don't play any sports. Bit I do watch a lot of sport though. And listen to a lot of music and watch lots of DVD's and TV.

Hobbies. Lots and lots on internet research and photocopying stuff from libraries and typing them on to a text file. And contributing to forums too!

Stuff I've researched over the years: Education issues, women and family life issues, terrorism, school violence, playground songs and chants, childhood obesity issues, poetry, astromomy, observing youth culture and much more.....

If you're wondering, I'm on a lifetime government pension. So I can do all this!
As far as sports go, I am a Small Child Goal Keeper on my 9 year old's soccer team, meaning that I have to stand on the sideline and stop my 2.5 and 4 year old from running on to the field during a game. I failed miserably last weekend, when my darling littlest cherub snuck behind me with her lawn chair and plopped down for a much better in-bounds view smile.gif

Other activities I enjoy are cycling, hiking, and camping.

My main hobby is amateur astronomy. I used to do a fair bit of amateur CCD imaging, but after having the aforementioned cherubs, I found that my available free time (and energy level) is not compatable with that side of the hobby. So I've drifted back into the visual end of things, and have recently been hunting down fainter and fainter fuzzy patches of light - as often as my Michigan skies allow.
Bubbinski, if your interest in college football is focused on the Arizona Wildcats, well then, God bless you. Even after we got demolished by LSU last weekend... well, we may actually win tomorrow against Stephen F. Austin.
Collection old computers, reading, cooking, watching autosports, enjoying good beer, living in my own little world and hammering F5 at the Exploratorium.

Active sports: trying not to fall asleep while I'm waiting for the Japanese GP to begin.
Hmmm... my main hobby is what I'm doing right now, playing at being an amateur planetary geologist and space exploration afficionado. UMSF is the best place in the Cosmos to do this, in my humble opinion.

Sports? Well, I'm 50 years old and still on the mend from a knee surgery I had six months ago (they take an awful long time to regain full mobility, unfortunately), so I don't play much in the way of sports. But I'm a pretty standard American sports fan, I guess. I like football (Chicago Bears fan), baseball (Chicago Cubs fan), and basketball (used to be a Chicago Bulls fan, back when they had Michael Jordan, but the Minnesota Timberwolves have been the only team from my new [for 11 years, now] home that I've been able to get excited about).

I'm not all that fond of professional hockey or European football (soccer, we call it) -- it's just what I was brought up with, I guess. I do enjoy watching Olympic hockey -- for some reason, it's a much more enjoyable game when the main point isn't waiting for the next major fight to break out... smile.gif

-the other Doug
John Flushing
I enjoy It allows me to find out where my money goes after I spend it.
Man, I wish I had time for my hobbies. sad.gif I've got a Celestron NexStar8 gathering dust, a meteorite collection, and a whole bunch of great SF books from the 50s & 60s just sitting there, asking me to use them. Unfortunately, work, school, the Air Force Reserve and a pending divorce consume all my time...I'll get back to you in 2008 when the latter three are all done! biggrin.gif
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