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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
I notice that the next flyby after next month's Titan flyby of any moon listed is not until July? What will Cassini be up to in the mean time? Some orbits with no satellite encounters to focus on the planet and rings? Any cool nontargeteds?
We got this at the very least in June.
Cassini will be busy flying by 3 icy satellites

"The new baseline trajectory will now
include three close icy satellite flybys within 17 days - with no Titan
encounters between them - a feat that is extremely fortuitous, and on a par
with the alignment of the planets for Voyager's Grand Tour. The icy
satellite flybys in order are Tethys, Hyperion, and Dione. These are the
only close flybys of these bodies in the nominal mission."

QUOTE (MahFL @ Apr 9 2005, 04:03 PM)
Cassini will be busy flying by 3 icy satellites

"The new baseline trajectory will now
include three close icy satellite flybys within 17 days - with no Titan
encounters between them - a feat that is extremely fortuitous, and on a par
with the alignment of the planets for Voyager's Grand Tour.  The icy
satellite flybys in order are Tethys, Hyperion, and Dione.  These are the
only close flybys of these bodies in the nominal mission."


Yes, but that will be during September and October. I was wondering about May and June. I am very much looking forward to the fall. I am really interested in is a major dark horse.
QUOTE (tedstryk @ Apr 9 2005, 11:28 AM)
Yes, but that will be during September and October.  I was wondering about May and June.  I am very much looking forward to the fall.  I am really interested in is a major dark horse.

Rev 7 - May 2 - Decent non-targeted flyby of Tethys (~500 m/pixel)
Rev 8 - May 20 - Enceladus (700 m/pixel)
Rev 9 - June 9 - Titan South Polar region (2.5-4 km/pixel), Dione (~1.25 km/pixel), Hyperion (1.3 km/pixel)
Rev 11 - July - Enceladus targeted flyby, Rhea
QUOTE (volcanopele @ Apr 12 2005, 05:37 PM)
QUOTE (tedstryk @ Apr 9 2005, 11:28 AM)
Yes, but that will be during September and October.  I was wondering about May and June.  I am very much looking forward to the fall.  I am really interested in is a major dark horse.

Rev 7 - May 2 - Decent non-targeted flyby of Tethys (~500 m/pixel)
Rev 8 - May 20 - Enceladus (700 m/pixel)
Rev 9 - June 9 - Titan South Polar region (2.5-4 km/pixel), Dione (~1.25 km/pixel), Hyperion (1.3 km/pixel)
Rev 11 - July - Enceladus targeted flyby, Rhea

Looks like some good stuff!
QUOTE (tedstryk @ Apr 12 2005, 06:13 PM)
QUOTE (volcanopele @ Apr 12 2005, 05:37 PM)
QUOTE (tedstryk @ Apr 9 2005, 11:28 AM)
Yes, but that will be during September and October.  I was wondering about May and June.  I am very much looking forward to the fall.  I am really interested in is a major dark horse.

Rev 7 - May 2 - Decent non-targeted flyby of Tethys (~500 m/pixel)
Rev 8 - May 20 - Enceladus (700 m/pixel)
Rev 9 - June 9 - Titan South Polar region (2.5-4 km/pixel), Dione (~1.25 km/pixel), Hyperion (1.3 km/pixel)
Rev 11 - July - Enceladus targeted flyby, Rhea

Looks like some good stuff!

Looking forward to the June 9th flyby. Hoping to see some activity and evidence of lakes.
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