Following my recent Atlas of Curiosity booklet, I can now announce an Atlas of Lunar Landing Sites. It's a very brief graphic summary of every landing site on the Moon, from Luna 9 to Chang'E 3. Every site gets a map of its location with a labelled grid, and other graphics as required to show the site in more detail or to depict activities at the site (e.g. robotic arm trenches at Surveyors 3 and 7, rover traverses at the last 3 Apollo sites and the Lunokhod sites). Not a lot of detail, this is just a quick summary of where we've been.

The Atlas is available as a printed booklet (they call it a 'magazine') or as a PDF download. I'm not including an e-reader version yet, while I figure out some details of the conversion.

See it here:

And please advise me of any problems.
