ADMIN NOTE: Moved to Chit-Chat

SOLVED - Just checked tonight and site is back to full operation.

Thanks for reading!

Bobby R.

Hello Everyone,

If this is inappropriately-posted I apologize in advance.

Does anyone know anything about the status of the curiosityrover(dot)com site operated by Joe Knapp? It hasn't shown any updates since SOL 1813. It has been a mainstay since the very early days of the MSL and I have come to rely upon it for camera pointing information. Further, I don't have the wherewithal, software or mental,. to extract the info from the SPICE kernel(s).

I have tried to contact Mr. Knapp via email which bounced; and via Facebook, which as yet has not engendered a reply.

I saw that he retired from Bell several years ago. I do hope all is well with him.

Thanks for your attention everyone.

Bobby R.