Final book: Craters of the Far Side Moon - from a trilogy of books was initially made available FREE for several months on publication, but, time called.

The book shows 588 highly-resolved craters using LRO data, as well as an additional 588 images enhanced to pose understandings of possible geological events that occurred nearby each and surrounds.

Locations of over 1,700 sub-related crater names, 25 unofficially-named features (catenae, rimae, montes..etc.,) and location of 30 basins are also included/ located - but all based around an easy-to-find alphabetical format.

Other two books are: Craters of the Near Side Moon (662 craters, 722 pages) and Features of the Near Side Moon (Second Edition) (282 official features of 14 categories, over 100 unofficial features of 9 categories, 374 pages in all).

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John Moore