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Full Version: Rovers Wheels
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
I've been trying to find technical specs on the rovers wheels... Particularly the gear ratio..but the more data the better. Anyone know a web site that I can hunt through. Been trying to google but I guess I'm not using the right search words for it...
QUOTE (jabe @ Mar 27 2005, 03:01 PM)
I've been trying to find technical specs on the rovers wheels...  Particularly the gear ratio..but the more data the better.  Anyone know a web site that I can hunt through.  Been trying to google but I guess I'm not using the right search words for it...

how about MER wheel gear ratio ?

the fourth hit gives this document

look on page 6 and you'll find:

"The four rover drive motors have a 332:1 gear ratio"

cIclops your friendly forum google search bot smile.gif
Ok..I feel like an idiot... wink.gif
thanks for the find.I forgot what I tried but no luck.. Thanks again..
BTW anyone know the noise to signal ratio from the HGA when it is recieved at earth? I'm amazed that there aren't as many errors as there are...
Well - 95%+ of the data goes UHF -> Mars Odyssey -> Earth

cIclops, that thing is not at all the MER rover. Just some demonstration rover for a museum blink.gif

Althoug I would believe the MER's have similar high gear ratio.
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