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Full Version: Mars Express Video Dao Channel, Canyon Flyby
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
I was able to create a video from the Mars Express perspective photo of Dao Valles. It's not up to NASA's high tech standards, but it does sorta similuate a flyby over the channels and canyons in the photo. After another 2 or 3 flyby videos, I should have the method perfected and then it'll be happy happy, joy joy smile.gif

You can go to my site's front page to check it out.

Very cool! Great job!
Awesome video. Thanks for the entertainment this morning.
Thanks, guys, I'm glad people are checking them out and getting a kick out of it. I'm surprised ESA isn't putting out more videos, considering that they've got more computing horsepower than I do wink.gif
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