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Life in Extreme Environments Educator Conference
January 24-25, 2009, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

Who: All educators (including museum staff) and students in high school or above interested in Earth and space science, and exploration. The conference content is generally non-technical but does include some detailed scientific and engineering content. The objective of the conference is to tell the exciting tale of real-life exploration and new discovery in a way that will excite and inspire students. Students under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a registered adult.

What: Join astrobiologists, planetary scientists and astronomers for a presentation on the latest information on our expanding understanding of the abodes of life on our planet and the prospects for the development of life elsewhere in our solar system and much farther beyond.

When: All day Saturday, January 24, and the morning of Sunday, January 25, 2009. Check-in begins at 8:00 am. On Saturday the conference will conclude by 5:00 pm. On Sunday the conference will end at noon for a total of 12 hours of professional development time.

Where: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory's von Kármán Auditorium. JPL is located in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains near Pasadena. For directions please visit Note that pre-registration is required. Walk-up registration will not be possible for this conference.

Panorama of the von Kármán conference center- MMB not required (but cell phone was)

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Dr. Kevin Hand, speaking.
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