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Full Version: Interesting Mars Image Site
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Not sure if you already know about this, but I found a really cool site that has all rover images in a nice Flash interface along with rover sites, paths, and panoramas.

There are also raw images that appear to be current. I wonder how current these images are as opposed to the exploratorium site... wink.gif

Have fun biggrin.gif

Here is a sample screenshot from that site:

Here is the main site:
I did notice this site very early on in the missions. The raws were indeed updating quickly (maybe they get the same distribution as Exploratorium), but at the time all the navigation information etc. seemed to be lagging behind. Exploratorium is much easier to navigate for raw images than the flash gizmo they have for it, so I changed over to Exploratorium when I found out about it.
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