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Full Version: Titan _Sky_and_Telescope_ article
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
Jason W Barnes
Keeping in line with my apparent role here of using UMSF to shamelessly plug myself, I've got a popular-level Titan article that's out in this month's (December) issue of Sky and Telescope. The Sky & Tel folks had this artwork commissioned for the cover:

I found some copies of it at a Barnes & Noble in Tucson, AZ; your mileage may vary!

- Jason W. Barnes
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! And it's flying over Titan on Halloween! smile.gif

Seriously, I'm looking forward to reading your article.
Jason W Barnes
Now that you can't get a copy of it in stores anymore, here's the article served from my webpage: Titan: Earth in Deep Freeze.

- Jason W. Barnes
QUOTE (Jason W Barnes @ Nov 29 2008, 01:27 AM) *
Now that you can't get a copy of it in stores anymore

Oddly enough I just bought the magazine this morning. I think we must be running somewhat behing here out on Europe's Celtic fringe.
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