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Unmanned > EVA > Conferences and Broadcasts
Big BBC article featuring heavy mention of UMSF.

The best quote is "Frequently I'll get up in the morning and the first place I go is Unmannedspaceflight because I know I'm going to get the mosaics there when nobody in Pasadena's even woken up yet".

Guaranteed to make you smile when you see who said it.

Mods: apologies if this is a dupe. I had a good search for a 'UMSF in the news' thread and couldn't find one
Nice, well spotted.

One of my images in there too. smile.gif
smile.gif They took that quote off my slides from the EPSC Outreach session.

I'll give you the full quotes from Steve and Jim...

"It is exactly so people could do what you're doing - follow along, share the ride, enjoy the adventure at whatever level you wanted to whether it's click and look at the pictures or go off and try to do something of substance with them.  To have seen it work out the way it has - I'm just thrilled." - SS

"Frequently I'll get up in the morning and the first place I go is Unmannedspaceflight because I know I'm going to get the mosaics there rather than just raw images if I go through all the firewalls to the JPL website because nobody in Pasadena's even woken up yet.  I did it this morning to see how our drive went." - SS

"Among your troops, I am convinced, are a large number of my future colleagues--people who will make future planetary science discoveries, lead future instrument and mission teams......I want us to do everything we can, as professionals, to nurture those interests and to help reel in others (of any age!) who are hooked by this stuff as well." - JB.

great to be a part of it !!! rolleyes.gif

Indeed... UMSF does it again cool.gif
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