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Full Version: Oppy : Eng. Camera Image Of The Year Noms
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
A single frame, be it Front Hazcam, Rear Hazcam or Navcam - a single frame taken by any one of those - NOT pancam or mosaics - please give a JPL or Exploratorium link - plus list the Sol, what camera it is, and what the subject matter or what's interesting in the image.
Moved - posted by Sunspot:

It's GOT to be this one from Opportunity on SOL 180, front hazcam biggrin.gif I suppose it's a kind of self portrait - the only one we'll see.
Sunspot's link doesn't work. But it's my favorite also:

Another favorite of mine is this one. On Sol 70 Opportunity performed the first 100 meter 'monster' drive. This rear Hazcam shot shows the tracks vanishing into the distance in a straight line. This is what driving on Mars is all about!
I hope we'll be seeing some more of that early next year, if not at the end of this one...

We need some more "uncharted territory"...
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