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Latest ESA Bulletin (No. 135, August 2008) now online

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19 August 2008
The cover story of this issue of ESA’s flagship magazine, the Bulletin, is about Venus Express - we feature results which could answer some of the greatest mysteries about our nearest planetary neighbour.

In 'Celebrating the Accomplishment, Preparing the Future', ESA's Director of Human Spaceflight, Simonetta Di Pippo, reflects on recent successes and looks ahead to the new challenges for Europe in human spaceflight and exploration.

We also have articles about the European launcher tracking network, space tourism and ESA's Vega small launcher as it readies for its Qualification Flight. We go back to school and college with ESA's hands-on education activities for youngsters across Europe. In the news section, we report on Ulysses, Rosetta, ATV and ESA's latest astronaut recruitment campaign, also taking a look at the history of European astronaut selection.

The Bulletin is published four times a year to inform the space-interested public of ESA's activities. In addition to a wide range of articles, every issue provides an overview of the status of ESA's major space projects.


Exploring Venus
- Answering the Big Questions with Venus Express
Hĺkan Svedhem, et al

Celebrating the Accomplishment, Preparing the Future
- New Challenges in Human Spaceflight and Exploration
Simonetta Di Pippo

Space Tourism
- ESA’s View on Private Suborbital Spaceflights
Andrés Gálvez

Hands-on Activities in Education
- Motivating Young Europeans for a Future in Space
Francesco Emma, et al

Santa Maria Station
- Another Element in a European Launcher Tracking Network
Gerhard Billig, et al

Vega Readies for Flight
- Status and Qualification Flight Preparation
Stefano Bianchi, et al
ESA Bulletin is a superb quality glossy pages magazine, no need to convince us. I have all issues since 1979 wink.gif
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