There will be an interesting lecture live on the Web August 14 at 16:30 EDT (13:30 PDT / 20:30 UTC). Before it happens, though, they need help conducting a test of their capacity.
The Great Planet Debate

The Great Planet Debate: Science as Process will be held at APL, August 14 & 15, with an actual debate between Neil deGrasse Tyson (American Museum of Natural History) and Mark Sykes (Planetary Science Institute), moderated by Ira Flatow (NPR Science Friday). The invited talks and the debate will be webcast live. The agenda is available at

On August 5, beginning at 1:30 PM EDT [10:30 PDT / 17:30 UTC], APL will be testing the webcast and you are invited to help. The link is:


The more people sign on, the better the test analysis. You are asked to sign on for a minimum of 30 minutes between 2PM and 3PM EDT. This will provide a good read on peak usage and number of viewers.

Outside of that window is fine as well, and APL is interested in how things work in other parts of the world outside the US.