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Full Version: Today's Picture Of The Rings
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results

This really makes me think of Pioneer's view of the rings. I have attached my processing of the old Pioneer view, as well as my processing of Pioneer 11's best view of Titan and a photomontage of Saturn and Titan I made using Pioneer imagery. It is interesting to note that it was Pioneer that first picked up the blue haze around Titan. Also, it's ultraviolet photometer discovered a large cloud of gas extending far beyond the visible atmosphere. The infrared radiometer data got screwed up due to transmission problems, so only a rough estimate of the average temperature of the moon was obtained. We have come a long way in 25 years (and yet we still seem to know so little about the Saturnian system!)
The Titan image
And the montage
I think you can say 'astronomy picture of the day' is a deserved title for this one: blink.gif ohmy.gif

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