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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
I have added a page of Galileo images of Thebe to my site.

My site

My Thebe page

My Amalthea page

I can't wait until they begin releasing true raw Cassini images. There should be lots of images of irregular satellites of much better quality than these!
Thanks for posting all these images on your site, I don't think i've seen any of them before smile.gif
Thanks. Be sure to check out the Soviet section. It has some of the most unique stuff I have worked on, particularly the Phobos-2 page.
That Soviet section is fantastic tedstryk! Only one of two I know of with images taken by the Lunokhods. Strange, since you mention that Lunokhod 1 alone took 20,000 TV pictures and more than 200 TV panoramas. You could say these were the Soviet MERs (Moon Exploration Rovers) tongue.gif For those interested in soviet space probes, this is an excellent site as well:

On the subject of the moon, why are there a zillion photos/panoramas of the Apollo landing sites and almost NONE of the Surveyor, Luna 9/13 and Lunokhod sites? The only decent Surveyor pans I found were these:
Surveyor 1:
Surveyor 7:
That leaves nr. 3, 5 and 6. ( although nr.3 is the same as Apollo 12 of course ). Are these Pans available somewhere on the web? I know they exist because I have an old book printed in the sixties before the Apollo landings full of pictures and mosaics from all the Surveyors. Not counting this book, it's as if these missions never existed! sad.gif

I mentioned that I knew of one other site with Lunokhod images. It was the site of a Russian institute ( in Russian ) It seems I lost the link rolleyes.gif Does somebody else know what the URL is? One of the pictures on that site was this one:
here are some links for the lunokhod rovers:;f=24;t=122
Actually, the links to pictures on that page are largely to my site.
Great stuff, tedstryck!

I once posted the link to your phobos pictures to the New Mars forums, and people were really awestruck (me, too, for sure!)

The Venera stuff is very impressive, also. Great to see what one can do with 'damaged' information to extrude extra data from it!

Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks. One comment I often get is why there is no Venera 14 site. Sad story actually. My Venera 14 stuff was about to go online, and a computer crash destroyed all of it. I am slowly trying to piece it back together (I lost almost everything I had in the way of Soviet raw data and scans, but fortunately people whom I had given copies to were very generous in making me copies of what I had given them!)
I will continue to build the Phobos-2 page. Although there may be a few more Phobos-2 images from VSK, most future posts will consist of thermoscan data, as I have processed nearly the entire VSK set. Phobos-2 was a bit Galileo-ish in that it had a transmitter problem (but lacked Galileo's compression capabilities), so in addition to the VSK being a very limited camera, it also returned very few images. They are just so dramatic. The forms they are usually seen in are so degraded that many people don't realize that. This is not the fault of anti-Russian bias. Rather, it is because the originals released by IKI were very poor. Too much compression, and no attempt to make them visually pleasing.
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