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Full Version: Gliese 581C by the eyes of an artist
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
I am working in Estonia at the moment and I noticed one local female singer made a pretty song about 581C, the first exoplanet thought to have liquid water. So, I wanted to share her vision with you now. smile.gif I have seen the musicvideo for this song also in local TV but found only still-image video in youtube...

Well, anyway, the little I understand of Estonian she sings about the pretty planet in the winds of Milky Way, and some secret is waiting for us there... but I think you get the idea from the melody and mood anyway without understanding full lyrics...

And when you are in the right mood, then you can add your name on Kepler mission too. biggrin.gif

edit: actually, English translation is there, on second to last comment page or something...
Nice! Didn't understand a syllable, but the tune is relaxing & evocative...reminiscent of Enya. Thank you.
Not bad & the fact there's already a song within 1 year after discovery of the exoplanet Gliese 581C proves it's an exciting subject.
So far the "official" ESO artist's impression:
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