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Full Version: My new blog
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Well, I finally got motivated to become a blogger. I decided that there needs to be a voice amongst political progressives such as myself in favor of manned and unmanned space exploration. And since I can't and won't get into any such discussions here, it just made sense to me to create a blog for the purpose:

I'll be discussing a lot of aspects of space exploration, from my own unique perspective. And I hope to have a significant amount of non-political content, too. For example, I've been itching to publish a nitpick review of the HBO miniseries "From the Earth to the Moon" for quite some time...

Once again, I won't get into any political discussions here... this is not the appropriate forum for that. I hope to have a little something for everyone, though. So, drop by if you like.

-the other Doug

p.s. -- here's hoping this shameless self-promotion isn't offensive to anyone. I figure, if you don't care for me or the points of view I've expressed here, you certainly don't have to come look at my blog... *smile*... But all are welcome.
Looks good, oDoug; good luck, looking forward to seeing it grow! smile.gif
Typo next to your photo:

My blog entires will tell you a lot about me. Read them, know
QUOTE (ElkGroveDan @ Mar 22 2008, 10:36 AM) *
Typo next to your photo:

My blog entires will tell you a lot about me. Read them, know

Ooops! Thanks, Dan! That's what I get for setting up a blog after work on a Friday...

-the other Doug
Yes, best of luck with this Doug - *the* most wonderful thing about the web is the freedom of expression it allows, and the chance for heterodoxy to flourish.
I'm particularly interested in opinion on 'from the earth to the moon'. I was bought the entire series on DVD for christmas, and watched practically the whole shebang over three days - excellent drama, expertly realised.
I'm really looking forward to you espousing the enormous amount of MSF knowledge & recollections you possess, framed as you will. Get the feeling that the behind-the-scenes factors were at least (if not more) important then the technological, and there definitely are lessons to be learned. Give 'em hell, Doug! smile.gif
I've called by a few times oDoug, but no activity since initial setup - all is well I hope..
I know, life has just been busy. I have a backlog of topics to address there, and I'm hoping to get quite a lot done there in the next few weeks.

It's not abandoned -- just left to lie fallow for a little while...

-the other Doug
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