..or, as I tend to think of it, the Hamburger Moon: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/gs2.cgi....jpg&type=image .

We also have what I believe is Cassini's first shot of Helene, although it doesn't show more than a dot: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/imag...eiImageID=27583 .

By the way, in one of his last short stories ("Scarecrow"), Poul Anderson pointed out that landing on Hyperion (or any other world with truly chaotic rotation) presents a unique problem: the surface will be sliding around underneath your descending spaceship in speeds and directions that are wholly unpredictable and thus impossible to match in advance more than sloppily. (The story, believe it or not, concerned the possible religious leanings of intelligent machines.)