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Full Version: Help for presentation needed
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Hi all,

tonight I will give a public talk on the astronomical events of 2008 at the local observatory on Hannover, Germany. This includes the planet visibilities, eclipses and other noteworthy celestial events.

I usually also provide some info on the highlights of space research of the last year. This is where I need some help: what, do you think, were the most notable results regarding Mars (Rovers, Orbiters), Saturn (the lakes, probably?) and also other missions? If you have some links to some nice pics here in the forum would be great, too.

Now I've got about 7 hours left to finish everything smile.gif

Cheers, Michael
I'm not sure but this may help you

Good luck with your presentation!
Well some upcoming astronomy events, other than the yearly meteor showers, for 2008 include:
Eclipse of the Moon (21st February 2008)
Partial eclipse of the Sun (1st August 2008) (full eclipse visible from Siberia + Mongolia + China)
Moon, Venus and Jupiter in conjunction (December 2008)

And for 2009:
(400 years of telescope use)
Thanks Thu and PhilCo126. I included some nice images from the Planetary Society page. The talk went well last Thursday. We had about 30 attendants. Thats not much but normal for the first presentation of the year. Usually, the number is between 40 and 50.
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