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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Is it just me, did I just miss seeing it, or is it kind of odd that NASA seems to have missed noting the anniversary of Apollo 17 leaving the Moon, December 19, 1972 - 35 years ago.

No mention of this on their new whizz bang website, not on the calendar, one reference to the mission under the NASA History link (if you look for it). Nothing!

Is it just too painful a reminder that no one has been back since (a lack of political vision rather than theirs), what?!

".....and God willing we shall return."

Duly noted.

I don't like NASA's new site design either.
In their defense (sort of), it's a very gloomy anniversary to mark, and their tradition has always been to accentuate the positive.

You're right, though; it should be recognized as the outrage that it really is. mad.gif Sometimes people have to get angry to change things. Thanks for reminding us, Astro!
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