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Full Version: Futurama Fan Alert!
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...the new movie "Bender's Big Score" has been released on DVD in the US today! (And, no, I don't get a cut; I gotta steal for a living like everyone else...)
What's that? A long story, kinda like The Simpsons : The Movie ?
Precisely. Apparently, there are three more to come as well.
I just watched my copy of this one. Without giving away plot points, I will say that this is an outstanding story, which also wraps up a large number of hanging plot threads from the series. It is also clear (it is even mentioned on the audio commentary) that since this was intended from the start to be direct to DVD, the makers felt free to make the movie somewhat racier than the (broadcast) series was.

Oh, and Bender, you rock in this story!

Of course I do, meatbag! tongue.gif
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