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Our very own intrepid European correspondent and proprietor of the spacEurope blog is coming to video next January! smile.gif
How exciting! Is the retro look a hint that we'll start with a flashback to Sputnik? Can we get Portuguese subtitles?
QUOTE (nprev @ Oct 8 2007, 03:54 PM) *
Our very own intrepid European correspondent and proprietor of the spacEurope blog is coming to video next January! smile.gif

And with no concret idea about what spacEuropeTV will be like... wink.gif
You must take in consideration that this is still a work in progress...I've made a second take where the opening might be getting somewhere but where the sound (and some image quality) got lost in the process of uploading, headphones are required to listen to what I'm not to solve that problem among others.

For now you can always check why am I a man with a single ball... tongue.gif

EDITED:...Corrections to my english are welcome...
I don't know that we got any real explanation for the ball... but at least we could see that you had your live audience absolutely spellbound! smile.gif

Good work! I'm looking forward to seeing this concept mature and develop.

-the other Doug
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Oct 22 2007, 04:32 PM) *
I don't know that we got any real explanation for the ball... but at least we could see that you had your live audience absolutely spellbound! smile.gif

Good work! I'm looking forward to seeing this concept mature and develop.

-the other Doug

I already received a PM telling me that in english that "ball" question may sound dubious...I was referring to the dog's ball...if that was not understood... wink.gif

Thanks for the feedback, hope to get from you half the attention Lhoba gave me...that would be quite something, as I have said, if any of you guys have suggestions they are more than welcome...
As time passes I just convince myself that this isn't going to be easy...
If a pilot episode about some serious stuff ends up in this... rolleyes.gif
laugh.gif ...HA!!! Well, you got the reading & counting down pat, Rui! laugh.gif laugh.gif

Keep your chin up, man; it's gonna be great! smile.gif
He did it, and it's GREAT!!! Congratulations, Rui; looking forward to many more episodes!!! smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
Great Rui
I'm now a fan
Wish it was/will be longer. smile.gif
While I don't return to haunt you with more spacEuropeTV webisodes I would like to mention that spacEurope is giving posters signed by Peter Smith, Phoenix mission PI, and mission t-shirts and books for the winners on an online competition.
It would be truly a pleasure to send all these to UMSF members... wink.gif

EDITED: I have still some doubts regarding the kids 1st prize...I believe that I will only decide this after the results, because if someone from my country wins it I would like to give a book in our native language, Portuguese...
But I would like to ask you guys if you have any suggestion for a good book, in english, for kids under 12 that could fuel their passion for space exploration? EDITED: Solved! Stu saved the day by offering a copy of his own book! biggrin.gif

...and don't you guys forget that Smith will be at the blog on the 14th, next Monday, to answer questions from the readers and delight us with is passionate way of dealing with space exploration... smile.gif
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