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Full Version: How do you read UMSF?
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
A recent thread in the Saturn forum makes me wonder just how y'all read UMSF, and how much of it any one particular person follows.

I read every new post. I always have. I am beginning to think that this is not normal for most of the people who frequent this place.

When I come onto the site, I use the main board index as my entry point. The main index has new post indicators on it -- the blocks to the left of every forum name are light blue when there are no new messages in that forum, dark blue when there are new posts.

I start at the top, checking in on new "news" posts, then through the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus, Luna and Earth). Then I drop down to the bottom and work up, checking board maintenance, the miscellaneous categories, and the outer system (asteroids, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune). I leave the Saturn fora last in this category, since they are the most interesting to me of the outer planet fora.

Finally, I go through the Mars fora, my absolute favorites here (sorry, Jason!). It's sort of like how some people eat a meal -- I go for the things I like the least first, saving the things I like most for last. When it comes to the Mars discussions, I save those so I can "finger-lick" them... smile.gif

I find this satisfies me more than just going to a list of new posts and picking and choosing from there.

In this way, every day when I come in to check for updates, I end up reading all of the new posts. So yes -- I read them all.

So -- how do y'all read UMSF?

-the other Doug
'View new posts'. Read all the new stuff on Spirit and Oppy, then anything else I see that looks interesting.
I always 'view new posts'.

I may not look at all of them, but that is my 'gateway' to the info here.
Paolo Amoroso
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Sep 25 2007, 05:45 PM) *
A recent thread in the Saturn forum makes me wonder just how y'all read UMSF, and how much of it any one particular person follows.

I entirely rely on the "View New Posts" link. When I am done with new posts, I mark all posts as read so that I can get just new ones in the following session.

I do this because any thread in any subforum may provide interesting information or gems. However, I do not read all posts or follow all threads in all subforums, just the ones that look interesting to me.

I am not entirely satisfied with the behavior of the "View New Posts" link. When I click on a message to read it, and then get back to the new posts page, I would expect the page to display all new or updated posts since my last session except for the one I have just read. The page, however, displays all posts since my last session. Such behavior is available in other forum backends such as SMF. Am I missing any user-configurable options of IP Board?

Paolo Amoroso
I normally start with "view new posts" and open all new topics in separate tabs. Then I read then starting from the bottom. If the last two comments are boring or off-topic, it's rare that I go further back. I would normally skip some topics (e.g. Titan, "CRISM corner", software related stuff), but I may read them if I have more time to kill than usually.

It's very rare that I use the topic classification on the main page. I mostly use it to check the status of some topic I haven't heard about recently, such as Ulysses.
I do almost exactly the same as oDoug, including the reading order: inner solar system first, then up from the bottom, finishing with Mars. I read every post, but sometimes skim reading those that I'm not so interested in.

After the big morning read I then use the 'View New Posts' link to get the latest during the day.
Well - firstly I go to the admin CP - check for new registrations that need approving and approve or deny as appropriate. Then I check in with the admin sub-forum to check if anything's going on there. Then I check the forums gmail account to see if anyone's moaning about anything. Then I go back to the Admin CP and take an SQL backup, and fix whatever someone's emailed about...

oh, and then I click view new posts smile.gif

Gee, that sounds so undemanding, Doug... biggrin.gif

I just go to the board & scan the topics for anything interesting...very low-tech methodology, but works for me.
Interesting Doug, the 'joy' of being an Admin wink.gif

'View new posts'. Read all the new stuff on Mars, especially MER route maps and then anything I think is interesting.
'View new posts' is a killer. I read all the new stuff on Mars, especially MER, sometimes keeping them for the end sometimes not able to wait that long. Then anything I think is interesting.
When I get behind on a new topic (sometimes they grow very fast), I start by the begining and try to catch up.
I'm a view new posts type too and I tend to read everything without any specific bias. I post much more often in the Mars forums (I think) though.
"View new posts", but not after holidays etc, when there's just too much waiting to handle in one go.
I used to read every post, but that's less so these days.
I´m a "view new posts"er too and used to read mainly the MER threads.
Del Palmer
I wish I had the time to read every post, but... UMSF is part of my morning routines (e.g. whilst having breakfast), where I spend 2 hours downloading stuff for offline reading later in the day (although I've had broadband for years, this offline method is a habit that persists from the days of dial-up). As I like to save the best for last, UMSF is the last link from my list. Depending on how much time is remaining, I may skim through quickly just to see what is happening mission-wise, or carefully read and post. I use the 'View new posts' option, click on threads that are of interest to me, and use backspace to return to the search list. I then return to the forum 4-5 hours later and more carefully read threads, although some threads I save until I get more time to read them (the downside to that is that I've then missed the boat in terms of contributing to them).
Ditto Pavel, except I don't usually skip any topics. biggrin.gif
Usually before my morning commute, I open all all new topics in new browser tabs. I put the Powerbook on the passenger seat and hook it up to the car stereo. Victoria then reads to me as I drive.

God, I'm a nerd. blink.gif
Whoa, lyford, that's hard-core. blink.gif

When I start up my computer and after I've checked my email I open up UMSF and go to 'View new posts' and skim pretty much everything. The window remains open the rest of the day. Whenever I'm interrupted -- which is pretty frequently -- the first thing I do upon returning to my computer is to refresh the screen. UMSF both contributes to and detracts from my productivity, I think. I find stuff here that I don't get from any other sources, but I probably spend much more time here each day than I should, especially given how little time I actually have to work.

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