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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Will there be any observations of Hyperion in the coming week or so?

From this plot of cassini's orbit, it would suggest the probe will pass "fairly" close to Hyperion.

If you consider that Cassini's trajectory will take it past Titan very VERY closely, then you can infer that Hyperion and titan have both got quite a way to go around their respective orbits before Cassini gets there.

..........hhhmmmmm, it looks like Hyperion will have probably moved on quite a way before Cassini crosses it's orbit.
I think they might be having an encounter of opportunity on the way out again

As of 15:00 UTC October 23rd i'd say Cassini was about 1.1 million km from Hyperion, the image linked to above was taken from 5.9 million km - but it was also enlarged several times.

This image is obviously not stretched properly for anyone here to get a good look, but this is part of a sequence to view Hyperion in many filter combination on October 22. Don't know when or these will get released, maybe next month, but this does show that we haven't forgotten about Hyperion.
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