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I usually don't gripe too much about uncontrollables...but, oh God, is it hot here!!! Thought I'd start a thread for my fellow Angelenos (incl. our heroes @ JPL and of course HQ TPS) to vent just a bit; believe me, they need it.

Was told that today would be cooler...ain't seein' it. sad.gif
QUOTE (nprev @ Sep 4 2007, 07:56 PM) *
Thought I'd start a thread for my fellow Angelenos

Don't worry Angelina (and Brad) are currently in France biggrin.gif
If it's any consolation we have had a miserably cold and wet summer here in Sweden. The first snow fell in northern Sweden last week and southeasten Sweden recorded the lowest ever August temperatures.
At the momen it's 10 degrees centigrade outside, overcast and drizzling.

It's only to be expected though, when it's cold in North America it's usually warm in Europe and the other way around.
I'm in Santa Monica, CA roasting like a stuck pig!
QUOTE (nprev @ Sep 4 2007, 09:56 AM) *
I usually don't gripe too much about uncontrollables...but, oh God, is it hot here!!!

So go to an air conditioned library and finish your thesis. Do you want to wind up as roofer in Barstow in weather like this? Get going!
Sage advise, sir! smile.gif Actually, gonna walk a few blocks down to an Internet cafe in the Macy's Plaza...
Hey, LA isn't the only place that's hot. Here in Minnesota, it's early September and the reading from the outdoor sensor on my indoor/outdoor thermometer right now is 94.1 degrees F.

This is sort of ridiculous for this time of year in Minnesota. I know it's WAY ridiculous in LA, too. But you expect the occasional hot streak in CA going into September. You don't expect it at all here in MN...

-the other Doug
The UK spent most of the summer 6ft under water - it's been an odd year.

I hope Tau is still ok tongue.gif
Tau here is 0.000...down to like fifty significant digits. That's the problem, no nice cool marine layer (aka June Gloom).

Gonna take EGD's advice & get out of here, though; my lousy AC just can't keep up with the heat.
Hot, HOT?

C'mon, you should take some vacations here at the sunny Spain to know what can be a hot summer.

But to be fair, this one was quite nice. Here around Madrid we were above 40ºC just a few times, not the whole summer like last year or '05.
Yeah, I'm a wimp, I admit it smile.gif ...sounds pretty harsh, Tesh. Coming from a cold place, always found it easier to get warm when cold rather than vice versa. Right now, I'm about two stories underground & the AC is blasting...aaahhhh!!!! tongue.gif
Great .Now the local LA CBS news outlet is calling this "Heat Wave '07"...I'm totally tired of moving to places only to experience some sort of record-breaking weather... mad.gif (No kidding; so far I've left tracks in New Jersey, Washington state, Georgia, and Alaska...will warn you all if I move again...)
will warn you all if I move again...
- thanks for the heads up!

My dad escaped from Buffalo, NY leaving behind a large number of relatives. It seemed like every year they got snowed in for weeks at some point. They always sent us mugs: The Blizzard of '77, '78 and so on, hehe tongue.gif
Here in Tennessee, it has been over 90 for over a month with no breaks and has been over 100 for a lot of the time. And it hasn't rained. This is very unusual. I flew in yesterday, and it is strange looking down on this area in the summer and having it look, well, brown.
Well, we can add Texas to the "ME TOO!" camp on the wierd weather. Austin has had more rain than we normally get all year. We were in a severe drought at the beginning of the year, but that's over now.

Austin Almanac (from
YTD precip: 41 inches
Normal YTD: 23 inches
Normal Yearly: 35 inches

And this is before our fall rainy season!

The Yearly rainfall the last few years has been in the 24 inches range. This has been a pretty ridiculous year for rain here in Central Texas. If it keeps raining like this next year, I'm going to start planting rainforest plants!
Well, we had a bit of heat this last weekend as well, and being by the coast, we have no air conditioning and had to sweat it out the old fashioned way. I tried to make a poor man's evaporative cooler with the misting attachment on the hose, but it ended in embarrassment. Soggy, soggy embarrassment.

But San Diego has returned to its sanity, even though we are in drought right now. We may be cool, but it's a dry cool (not trying to gloat or anything, nprev, jus' sayin'.) smile.gif

May aswell throw parts of Ireland into this debate of wacky weather, 50 something consecutive days of rain, stopped keeping count. Not as bad as the UK though flood wise.

That was just insane.
I'm off to Silverstone race circuit on Sunday - looking forward to 23 degrees with a breeze....just perfect. smile.gif
Not sure of the unit here. I guess it's C°, correct tongue.gif ?
I should not say that : here in South Ouest of France we have very cool mornings but the aternoons and evenings are just incredibly nice with blue skies and shadows starting to be longer and give nice scenaries. On the other hand, we had a very bad no summer.
To all my European buds & Lyford: trade ya! smile.gif

Actually, today's a lot better here in LA, and it's supposed to ramp down even more the rest of the week. No mas, hopefully...
QUOTE (hendric @ Sep 5 2007, 04:08 AM) *
Well, we can add Texas to the "ME TOO!" camp on the wierd weather. Austin has had more rain than we normally get all year. We were in a severe drought at the beginning of the year, but that's over now.

I also flew into Houston this summer. It was strange seeing the Houston area look bright green after leaving a brown Tennessee. It is normally the other way around.
The weather is supposed to break here in Minnesota tomorrow, as well. We've had something like six straight days with highs in the 90s (40 and over for you Europeans), in late August and early September, which is nearly unprecedented in this part of the world, especially for this time of year. But after thunderstorms tonight, we're looking at highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s for the next week.

MUCH better sleeping weather!

-the other Doug
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Sep 6 2007, 12:26 PM) *
... with highs in the 90s (40 and over for you Europeans) ...


100ºF = 37.8ºC wink.gif
Actually converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees isn't that difficult:

From Fahrenheit first:

Subtract 32: 90-32=58
Multiply by 5: 5x58=290
Divide by 9: 290/9=32,2222....

From Celsius:

Multiply by 9: 9x40=360
Divide by 5: 360/5=72
Add 32: 72+32=104

It is perfectly possible to do it in your head, but it does take a while to learn.
QUOTE (tty @ Sep 6 2007, 02:11 PM) *
It is perfectly possible to do it in your head, but it does take a while to learn.

Or... how 'bout this: those who use Fahrenheits could just switch to Celsius, which have a much more straightforward relationship with Kelvins! tongue.gif
QUOTE (ugordan @ Sep 6 2007, 03:27 PM) *
Or... how 'bout this: those who use Fahrenheits could just switch to Celsius, which have a much more straightforward relationship with Kelvins! tongue.gif

I'm with you ugordan since the only usefull value is : Farhenheits 451
QUOTE (ugordan @ Sep 6 2007, 05:27 AM) *
Or... how 'bout this: those who use Fahrenheits could just switch to Celsius,

OK, but when we get to -40 can I go back to Fahrenheit again?
Here in Tucson it is finally starting to cool down thanks to Henriette. Only supposed to be 88 F/31 C/304 K today. I think we have had a total of 4 days since late May that have been below 95 F.
You gonna get some storms, VP? I remember one in Tucson back in '93 that actually spawned a big, roped-out funnel cloud right over the center of the city...
QUOTE (Tesheiner @ Sep 6 2007, 07:15 AM) *

100ºF = 37.8ºC wink.gif

OK, OK -- so I was a little off. It's not like the error ended up piling a Mars orbiter deep into the atmosphere or anything... smile.gif

-the other Doug
It's raining here in MN, and while it's only down to about 72, it's supposed to stay at 72 until sometime Friday night, when it's going to drop down into the upper 50s.

The temp here hasn't been below 70 (if it has, it's only been by a degree or two) for about two weeks... at any time of the day. That's really unusual for MN this time of year -- seasonal highs would be in the low to mid 70s.

-the other Doug
QUOTE (ElkGroveDan @ Sep 6 2007, 12:49 PM) *
OK, but when we get to -40 can I go back to Fahrenheit again?

EGD, was the sun in your neck of the woods yesterday looking like what Opportunity was seeing during the dust storm?
Yep Monday and Tuesday. Not as bad as some of the fires from my childhood in Los Angeles, but I'd say at least tau 2.0 Monday morning.
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