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Full Version: The First 1000 Days: Cassini Explores The Saturn System
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
(Apologies if this was already posted somewhere.)

A rather long talk (74 min) by Carolyn Porco posted on YouTube about the previous three years at Saturn.


A glistening spaceship, with seven lonely years and billions of miles behind it, glides into orbit around a ringed, softly-hued planet. A flying-saucer shaped machine descends through a hazy atmosphere and lands on the surface of an alien moon, ten times farther from the Sun than the Earth.

Fantastic though they seem, these visions are not a dream. For seven years, the Cassini spacecraft and its Huygens probe traveled invisible interplanetary roads to the place we call Saturn. Their successful entry into orbit a thousand days ago, the mythic landing of Huygens on the cold, dark equatorial plains of Titan, and Cassini's subsequent explorations of the...
Del Palmer
Great video; thanks for the heads-up! Trust Carolyn to get excited about heated toilet seats... smile.gif
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