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Full Version: Routine image of asteroid 2007 PP9 gone bad
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
This is a single, unprocessed frame (CCD) from the morning of August 16, showing no less than 13 individual components of some type of catastrophic event recorded when a routine image of the new asteroid 2007 PP9 was being captured...

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The bright stripe looks like a satellite to me, the rest could just be optical artifacts of it.
That certainly looks interesting, but as it is only a single image my cynical initial interpretation is that it is likely an imaging artifact, possibly something awry in the ccd or optical system. The comment "Note that my impression of at least part of these remarkable features is that some may be actually glare from a brighter component not in the frame but very nearby outside of the actual field of view" suggests further support for this notion.

It sure would be cool if it were real, though. Hopefully additional imaging (tonight?) will confirm it.
The orig. poster has already made his mind up it seems, going on the file name. That's somewhat premature. I see a lot of internal reflection, I see an image that needs a LOT of interpretation- and a starfield that needs cross referencing to identify what's actually supposed to be in this field and what isn't.
A passenger jet flying past the field of view of the scope and the CCD would be my guess. I've seen similar stuff during my astro imaging.
yeah, perhaps its a re-entering delta 2 rocket...

i just ran a sim and can rule out a delta 2 rocket body that was due to crash, (the timing and location don't match).
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