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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
The I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River here in Minneapolis collapsed in the midst of rush hour this evening. I knbow a lot of people here (of whom I am rather fond, in fact) are aware I live in Minneapolis, and I just wanted y'all to know I'm all right, was nowhere near the bridge at the time.

-the other Doug
Other Doug. I am glad that you are safe and your family is safe. I agree. This is community. We all fly places and drive places. Has anyone else from MN/WI been affected. Our thoughts are with you.

Glad to hear from you, oDoug; was away from my machine all last night, was stunned by the news. All the best for you, yours, and your community; you're all very much in our thoughts.
I live just south of Minneapolis. I've been over that bridge countless times. I've got family members who drive through downtown every day... really shocking news. Just glad everyone I know is okay!

Glad to hear people here are okay as well. smile.gif
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