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Full Version: Planetary sessions for Fall AGU conference annoounced
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I just got an email from AGU letting me know that the preplanned sessions have been announced. You can see the planetary-related sessions by going to and searching for planetary. There looks to be a nice mix of Mars and non-Mars sessions. I'm co-convening a session on laboratory studies applied to Mars data analysis. Abstracts are due on Sept. 6.
Here is the program for the planetary science sessions at the 2007 Fall AGU Meeting. Lots of great stuff here.
Pretty interesting stuff in the program, but not a lot of information for non-attenders.
Loooking at last year's abstracts, they are pretty simple and text-only.
And I guess the 2007 abstracts will be available on line only after the conference.

I noticed Emily from the Planetary Society is attending, so along with the rest of the forum's
attenders I am sure they will keep us updated !
Actually, I won't be there. Since press registration at conferences is free, I always register, just in case; but I don't often get to go to AGU.

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