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Full Version: Astronomy and space podcast worth a listen
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
If you go over to the "Living Space" website you can download the latest episode of Chris Lintott's and Harriet Smith's "Living Space" astronomy and space radio podcast show. And even thought Chris and Harriet sound as if they recorded their bits in a toilet somewhere, and the editing jumps around worse than The Blair Witch Project, with a Mars rover update from someone called... hang on, what was it again..? Doug something... Ellison?... something like that anyway... news about the possible discovery of an impact crater from the famous Tunguska explosion of 1908, and rather snazzy recreations of how "Smoke On The Water" might sound if played on Venus and Titan, there's a lot to listen to.

Give it a go, it's great listening for the car on your way to work, or on your computer as you browse UMSF looking at the latest images from Mars and Saturn...
how do you subscribe to he podcast so i can listen on iTunes? i'd rather not have to download the files and manually add them. seems odd there is no rss feed.
Actually - there is - - but show 6 isn't in with iTunes yet.

As seen at


Episode 7 is up.

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