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Got a strange request, here. Does anyone know of any good freeware that can derive non-linear equations to describe a relationship between two sets of data? Doing my thesis research now and it's getting hot and heavy, at least for my rusty old brain, and the last time I did even moderately challenging math (differential equations) was 21 years ago. Any help would be most appreciated!
Microsoft EXCEL has a few linefit features in the Chart portion of the software that do an OK job.

(You'll need to click on "show formula" to get the parameters).

Should've known...Excel does everything, it's just hard as hell to find these obscure functions...will give it a try. Thanks, Mike! smile.gif

You might want to try scilab
From what I understand its like and open source version of Matlab. I haven't tried it, but I've heard good things, and I use Matlab for all of my hard-core math.

Wow! blink.gif Will do, TG, and thank you very much...need all the help I can get, and this sure looks like a winner for graphics generation.

EDIT: Hey, Mike, that Excel function worked really, really well for equation generation; thanks!!! TG, I'm gonna play with Scilab tonight.

EDIT2: TG, ye gods! blink.gif Scilab is powerful juju indeed, but gonna have to spend some quality time learning the commands & syntax...looks well worth the effort, though, gonna look for some tutorials. Thanks again!
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