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Full Version: space themed screen savers and HELLO from south dakota!
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Hello everyone, hope that you all watched the launch and enjoyed it as much as I did.

Just wanted to say hello from South Dakota. And now onto my main question....a long time ago i had gotten my hands on a really superb screen saver of our known were able to focus in on any of the planets/stars as they were in real time fashion i.e the position in our galaxy and you could make it so that the camera would follow said object. but for the life of me i cant find it anymore. does anyone have any ideas where a person could track this precious jem down?

Hi there. Welcome to UMSF. smile.gif I'm not sure which program you're referring to with any certainty, but Celestia has the features you're describing and quite a bit more. It's not a screensaver per se, but I've used it as such on occasion. I missed the STS-117 launch today, but always glad to hear everything went well.
hey thank you for the welcome!! and i do believe that is the correct program, the screen shots look really familiar.
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