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Full Version: T32 (June 13, 2007)
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
The T32 mission description is now online (1.8 Mb PDF)
There is some great science candy on this pass:

INMS: T32 will be the highest latitude Titan pass on which INMS will be in the driver’s seat as the prime instrument. It is the only pass that occurs close to midnight local time, on the ram side of Titan, while Titan is on the Sun lit side of Saturn. This is a magnificent opportunity for in situ science of Titan's atmosphere in this unique geometry.
• ISS conducts high-resolution (104-240 m/pixel) imaging & global-scale mapping of the bright-dark boundary. There will also be a full-disk, color mosaic (centered at 1.7 N, 219 W) at 1.4-1.6 km/pixel resolution.
• VIMS carries out high-resolution mapping of Titan's north pole. Observations include global mapping and monitoring for temporal changes. VIMS will also carry out a hot spot and lightning search.
• CIRS will continue to search for new species in the far-IR, in the far north. CIRS will also map temperatures in the upper troposphere across the north polar region, and in the stratosphere around approximately 1/4 of the disk. CIRS also gains the chance to map the distribution of aerosols on the limb in detail.
• UVIS will observe a solar ingress occultation. ...
New Titan Images are up
Nice views this time...

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Nice view indeed!

Which filters did you use to get this color view?
Adiri and 'sliced carrot' - nice details emerging:

Stu, I really like your coloured Titan images.
Anyone like to pinpoint Huygens here?
QUOTE (ngunn @ Jun 15 2007, 08:44 AM) *

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(I totally cheated and used the figure in Soderbloom et al., Planetary and Space Science 2007 VIMS and RADAR at Huygens landing site ASAP 200704014 as a reference wink.gif )

QUOTE (CAP-Team @ Jun 15 2007, 10:13 AM) *
Which filters did you use to get this color view?

None... that is, to be honest, all I do with those colour views is put the image into Photoshop, add some colour - add some red, mess about with blue and green - then play about with the Levels, shine a soft spotlight on the whole thing, and there you go...

So, it's not even remotely accurate or realistic, it's just my way of highlighting details and features on the surface, done for no other reason than my own amusement and satisfaction. If some people like them, great. If not, well, they still go down great in my Outreach talks. smile.gif
QUOTE (Juramike @ Jun 15 2007, 07:49 PM) *
I totally cheated

That's not cheating, that's doing the work. I had a go with some fuzzy A4 printouts from my Titan file but in the end I was too lazy to make sure. Hoped somebody else would. wink.gif
QUOTE (Stu @ Jun 15 2007, 01:33 AM) *
Nice views this time...

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Staring at you
With infrared eyes
Your mysteries are well-concealed
under your thick coat, but still
we desire to know more
to know you, not just as you appear
Your realities, after all, must be more astonishing
than our best guesses from furtive glances...
Despite your coy, cold cloak
we will know you through strenuous effort
and precious, endless time
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