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I was just wondering what sort of art aliens far in advance of ourselves might produce... ?
That's pretty cool Stu. I'm impressed.
QUOTE (ElkGroveDan @ May 31 2007, 04:02 PM) *
That's pretty cool Stu. I'm impressed.

Man...I read it and didn't give a look to who wrote it...only now you mention it I knew it was you...
Sorry! Great reading! :-)
Wow Stu, that's pretty mindblowing....

Maybe our own solar system's primordial swirl started out as an alien fingerpainting.
"Let's put the blue one over here..."


(Gee, I hope we're not an advert: "Drink Xplgh water!")
Thanks, Stu.

I've had similar thoughts (minus the artistic aspect the author the esteemed UMSF Poet Laureate observed). Maybe we're like a bunch of monkeys staring at the skyline and lights of a distant major city from time to time. It's amazing and beautiful, with odd symmetries foreign to our comprehension except through analogies, their purpose (should the thought that they even have one cross our minds) beyond our understanding...

Good thing us monkeys are very curious! smile.gif

EDIT: Corrected the above. Sorry, Stu, I also missed the fact you wrote this; MOST impressive indeed! After all this time on UMSF, I'm still not used to chatting with real authors, artists, and scientists...not programmed for that! tongue.gif
QUOTE (Juramike @ May 31 2007, 09:02 AM) *
(Gee, I hope we're not an advert: "Drink Xplgh water!")

Could be worse, we could be the unwitting participants of a reality show broadcast throughout the galaxy...
Methinks Jason has been watching South Park again... biggrin.gif

-the other Kyle
QUOTE (dvandorn @ Jun 1 2007, 05:52 PM) *
Methinks Jason has been watching South Park again... biggrin.gif

-the other Kyle

Possibly. That Marklar really marklars that marklar! (Shh...Marklar is on now!) rolleyes.gif tongue.gif
In Eric Flint's '1632' series of novels, an alien race existing millions of years in the future makes artworks using spacetime itself as a medium. A fragment of spacetime, equivalent to a chip of stone from a sculpture, is thrown back in time and intersects with the town of Grantville, West Virginia in the year 2000, carrying it back to central Germany in the year 1631.

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